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4x13 I think

Tim Martin

It’s time for the big face off 🤭

Paul Walker

Heel turn complete...

Chris B

No spoilers of course, but regarding you wondering about the fact there is a whole season left - you do not have to be worried, at all, believe me ;)


Walt crashed his car trying to stop Hank from investigating the launder shop. So, he had to rent a car. We always think Walt is a bad liar....until he lies to the viewers....Season 5 is divided into 2 parts (8 eps and 8 eps for a total of 16 episodes). It is fire.


So much important/iconic/legendary stuff happens in season 5 it’s impossible to imagine the show without it but ending the series here would’ve probably been fine tbh


Walt's little performance last episode hits different on rewatch, knowing he literally did poison that child. I'm a card-carrying Walt hater but this whole sequence was an incredible play, his #1 skill imo is that he's very very very good at improvised plans under pressure using mechanics and emotional manipulation. Man really poisoned a kid and bombed up a nursing home. S4 was a banger, great reactions. S5 is great too, and Better Call Saul is unbelievable. You're going to love it.

Steve Johnson

Legit one of the best hours of tv ever made imo


Lol Arianna usually apologizes whenever she lets a curse slip but this episode is so shocking she doesn't even catch or realize. Fantastic reaction, well worth the wait.

Tim Martin

Face (Blown) Off. Last episode…Walt spinning the gun…3rd time it points to the flower. Remember Walt wrecked his car keeping Hank from the laundry. Fun fact: This was written as the series finale in case they weren’t picked up for a fifth season. Imagine the series had ended with THAT twist!


Has to be my favorite reaction on the channel thus far

Lorenzo Baxter

Walt was desperate. He was afraid for his life, but also, he wanted to simply win against Gus. It wasn't a fight for only survival. He fought to win. He figured out the plan when he was spinning the gun. Remember when it pointed towards the plant? That was the start of his grand scheme. The ending song really drives home how big what Walt did was. The song is called "Black" and the lyrics that are just at the end, "Looking up at no stars in the sky, those white clouds have turned it black" is so well chosen to point at what Walt did. Walt won, but to do it, he lowered himself morally. He killed Gus, freed himself, and the top position. The cost? Walts heart is now black. Next to Jane's death, this is one of the most vile things Walts done in the show, and holy hell was it well done. Can't wait for season 5!

Chris Bruneau

Extremely hyped for this one-- time for the final face-off between Walt and Gus!!!


You know how when a chicken loses it's head, and it still walks around? When Gus’ head gets blown up, he does his signature reflex & fixes his tie, just how a chicken would. It's even a callback all the way back to 0201 with the two–faced, one–eyed teddy bear from the cold open. Farewell Gus 👋 you were one of the best to ever do it. Gus' death: impressive. Lily of the valley reveal: mind blown 🤯🤯 For the first time in the series the audience gets to feel what it's like to be manipulated by Walter- firsthand, successfully, with the exception of the minority who guessed it right most likely when Gus stopped walking towards his car in the parking garage. When the detectives are interrogating Jesse over the ricin comment they say the doctors are beginning to think that it was ricin that poisoned Brock- goes to show just how thorough Heisenberg was with his plan.

John Cedar

It's so weird that sometimes Walt has the most obvious and over the top lies ever, and sometimes he genuinely almost convinces me as an audience member. I've noticed he's really bad at lying to Skyler usually, but really good at lying to Jessie. The schemes and excuses he makes to fool Jessie are so airtight and convincing.

Tim Martin

Maple is one of the first persons I’ve seen catch the severed leg after Gus collapses. Hector needs to pull himself together 🤭 It’s hard to believe all that has happened and we still haven’t reached Walt’s 51st birthday.

Richie Daniels

walt doubters finding out they got outsmarted by him is so satisfying

Stewart MacInnes

Hot take: Brock deserved to be poisoned.

Tim Martin

Even Gus’ driver had half his face darkened by a shadow when they arrive at the nursing home.

Chris Bruneau

I held off on this information b/c spoilers; so on the special edition DVD collection, they talk about Gus' backstory which was never made clear in the show. He was a high ranking officer in the Pinochet gov't in Chile, and probably fled after the junta was overthrown.


I know it might be hard to believe right now with how amazing season 4 has been, but season 5 is even better, especially the second half. The last 8 episodes of the show are just a masterclass in writing, and I can't wait to see your reactions to those.

Ray H

Season 5a and 5b is how they split it up when it originally aired. Waiting for the second half was hell for us.

Stanley Etienne

Just when you think you've seen everything... There's season 5, and it gets even darker believe it or not


There is an episode in season 5 which is regarded as the greatest 50mins of television in history.


Yeah I noticed that, too, haha. And she even put a lot of emphasis into each of her F-bombs ^_^


There are so many good ones to choose from, it's hard to pick a fav. With Nikki and Steven, Nikki's brain went full blue screen of death, followed by reboot haha


The reactors I've seen figure it out the most are women who recognize or focus on the plant. The Reaction Squad has a woman who recognized the plant by sight because they had em planted around their deck, so she called it as soon as Jesse gave the name.


I think he mostly just chokes when it comes to Skyler because she's so good at catching him. He has to think about all the threads she might pick up on and investigate, whereas he never has to think about Jesse doing any independent research to confirm anything he says. So the stakes are high and he second guesses his lies as he says them, trying to tie up loose ends in his head, which makes it more obvious.

Justin Calhoun

"The visions are clear now. I see possible futures, all at once. Our enemies are all around us, and in so many futures they prevail. But I do see a way, there is a narrow way through." I see you Maple with the "narrow path" reference 👌


I saw the yt version of that- must have missed that part lol

Matt Modlinski

Best chess move in tv history


LOL yo daddy dead


Skyler's known him for what like, 3 decades at this point? I forgot when they got together. it's a long time anyway. Jesse doesn't have the years of context she has, even with Walt's recent changes. Jesse wants a father figure, he wants to be duped to an extent because it absolves him somewhat. Like at the end of this ep: "He had to go, right?" almost in tears. He wants to believe Walt when he says its all big bad evil Gus, its Walt and Jesse V the world, because that makes every nasty thing they've done justified.


Yeah, season 5 is gonna be an experience. I personally had my troubles watching it but that's due to "reasons" that you'll get to see, it's masterfully done.

Tim Martin

I’ve decided to embrace his evil. Makes things much easier 😂

Tim Martin

Next episode big event: Wendell gets to eat!

Chris Bruneau

Chad, it might be fun for the Ladies to watch Bryan Cranston reading the poem "Ozymandius" by Shelley-- it was played like a teaser trailer on AMC before the final season. here is link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3dpghfRBHE&ab_channel=amc%2B

Demented Avenger

It's so great how Walter won you guys back for that brief moment until...lilly of the valley.

Holly Brown Watson

He must be in a rental after he crashed his car with Hank


This was the episode that made BB my fave show of all time