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No 4x13 today, Chad? :(

Tim Martin

Daddy Gus is shrewd and cunning, with a 6th, 7th and 8th sense…but even he has one weakness…

Chris Bruneau

Girls, I bet your heart rates went up during that intense scene between Jesse and Walt at the house--the veins were sticking out of Jesse's head for God Sake! both of them are soooo good at acting!


Next episode, please! (Aaron Paul won an Emmy for this ep.)

Stanley Etienne

please load the next episode asap


Greatest show of all time


Great reaction. Every time I watch that ending I scene I always picture Gus immediately spotting the light shining off Walt's pasty bald head and being like "he's on that building over there, go get him".

TinCan Cosmanaut

Colors (purple) Jesse is most commonly associated with yellow, which represents the meth trade. He is furthest from purple, the color of Marie, because she has no connection to the meth business at all. Marie's purple is the common link between Hank and Skyler, who represent red and blue respectively. Walter White represents green, and he sits between the yellow meth business of Jesse and the blue pureness of Skyler. Hank is orange, which sits between yellow and red. This means he is both associated with the meth business and the violence that comes with it. He is the opposite of Skyler's blue, because while Hank wants to bring down Walter's meth empire, Skyler eventually becomes a major part of it. I googled this I can’t take credit Only reason I copy pasted this cuz purple isn’t the only color. Show creator planned all a lot

Chris Bruneau

I read somewhere, the crew called hank and Marie's house the "purple palace" 🤣

Christophe Schannes

Uhm okay sure, I don't super mind this reading but I'm pretty sure the show creators didn't quite intend it to be that specific. As far as I know, at the beginning, they just wanted to visually associate a specific color with each character to make them stand out and be recognizable but the meaning behind the colors was not very intentional ^^ as I said, I don't really mind reading it this way, not every interpretation of a text has to be inteded by the author, I just wanted to clarify that I'm not aware of this intention in this case. The reason I say this is because I actually think the interpretation is kinda weak and fudges a lot to make it seem coherent. Like, why is yellow associated with meth? Isn't blue most strongly associated with meth in this show? And if you were to associate one character most strongly with meth, it probably wouldn't be Jesse, but Walt. Also in one part of this, Hank is red but then he's orange? As far as I know, orange was the intended color for Hank, so where's the whole reading of red coming from? If Marie is purple for being the link between Hank and Skyler, this doesn't really make sense if Hank is orange. Not attacking you personally here, you did say you just copied it from somewhere else, but yeah, I think this analysis is trying a bit too hard to tie all of that together. And yeah, Betsy Brandt (Marie's actress) was apparently the one that really ran with her associated color while it was kinda phased out for the other characters after season 2.


You guys have the most unfortunate timing speaking and looking away at the most imortant of scenes where paying attention is really key to understanding later. You can spot when these scenes happen even if you never seen them, its the camera work, the music, the tone, the dialogue. I hope you can pay more attention to this in the future.

Andrew Clifton

Skylar - "We will be safer at Hank and Marie's. The DEA is there." Walt - "You don't know these people" Me - "Yea remember when they offed the surviving twin in the hospital literally surrounded by DEA." 😂😂🤣😅🤣😂