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Lorenzo Baxter

Well there comes a point where you can't just draw a line all the way back to one person's choices and blame it all on them. Of course, Walt did make a lot of choices that led everyone here, but its not only on him. Walt is in very real danger though. Like even Jesse could see Gus making the easiest business decision ever. Out of necessity, Jesse needs to be his cook. Walt can not be trusted because he's willing to be extreme in order to defy Gus. So yeah, Walt absolutely is in danger, when Gus makes his move, he won't be able to do anything, now that Jesse took his place. Walt also isn't concerned with the Cartel. It's because he doesn't care. He's concerned with his survival. Why would anything else matter more to him? Walt has shown he's got some severe ego issues and wants a lot of things for himself. Firstly, there's a lot of Walt apologists that straight up don't understand the character. Secondly, it's not just about wanting to watch someone be an effective criminal. It's just about his entire journey and his psychology, how he changes so drastically in the time since his diagnosis. By the end I'm sure you'll see why he's one of the greatest characters of all time. Guys fighting isn't just a "they need to get it out" scenario 😅 Walt said something pretty fucking awful to him when you hear it. He essentially told him "Go be a loser and fucking die" so that's not something you can fight out lol. But no, your takes aren't hot. I think maybe you just haven't seen the reason why Walt is beloved. It's not the same reason people like Gus though. Theres a myriad of reasons. Just let the show cook, and I think you'll be surprised!


Okay......next four eps. are among my favorite. Let's gooooo!


I don't think you have particularly hot takes tbh, I just think people are 'poisoned by future knowledge' of where characters go and the show ends up, and find it impossible not to comment from that perspective. It's literally happening here, right now lol. People don't understand you're watching almost 13 years after these eps aired, after all the discourses and video essays and reaction series have finished, with your own preferences re: toxic / antiheroic characters. And they find it hard to empathise because they love these characters + their journeys, they've re-watched the show 10 times across 5 reaction channels, they've watched Better Call Saul too, and they get prickly when you imply Walt is a whiny baby and a mid criminal (he is! he was at the time of airing! you can still read the reddit threads where people are saying this in 2011!). It's clear to many of us that you're deeply enjoying the show and I'm having a lot of fun watching your journey. And I'm still beyond excited for when you get to BCS cuz they took all the lessons they learned making Breaking Bad and made a somehow even better (in my opinion!!!) TV show.

TJ Maccc

Gus didn’t really have to do much to drive the wedge lol. Walt did it all himself. Such an asshole.

Zane Platt

Love your reactions but some of the observations are confusing. Skylar's smart move in this episode is literally her papering over a bad decision she already made (fudging the books for Ted). So I am not sure how she is incredibly smart whilst Walt is a blithering idiot. His character is an exercise in getting himself into bad situations and then thinking his way out as well. Neither are incredibly smart or stupid. They are a mix.


Walter is smart, but irrational because he fights for survival. I think a character being stupid can still be a good character, because there aren't many shows that change the protagonist in such a way. Walter now and season 1 Walter are already vastly different.

Chris Bruneau

intensity meter is now set to MAXIMUM!!!!!!

Chris Bruneau

also, Maple, glad you are feeling better!

Tyvonn Johnson

Thinking Walter doesn’t want to involve Skylar with the Gus situation because he’s jealous of her, rather than not wanting to frighten her is definitely a HOT TAKE lmaooooo


There are no toys evident in the shots when Jesse is over Gus's house unlike when Walt is over his place

Eric Wall

Walt’s issue is that Jesse really is his only edge on the situation. It was that way when they went after Gale and it’s that way now. Walt’s correctly identified what his edge is. What he lacks is the emotional intelligence needed to truly get an advantage out of it. He has no idea how to relate or interact with Jesse to get him to do what he needs. He’s impatient with Jesse cause he’s self involved and doesn’t understand the trauma that Jesse is having to move past. Yes, it’s true that Jesse hasn’t had a great chance to use the ricin, but it’s also true that he really doesn’t want to kill again either. With Walt now, instead of making the kind of emotionally intelligent move Gus made by getting Jesse to feel useful and good about himself again, it’s all just yelling and push, push, push, with little attention to why Jesse is resistant in the first place. Walt’s narcissism is getting in the way right now because he can’t be interested in Jesse long enough to truly understand why Jesse isn’t ready for this particular task.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Maple you have a hole in your sweater. I think the reason people like walt is because he's flawed. Gus is like superman. Perfect.

Xavier Chandler

Ik this may not be the place but is there a world where we see yall react to Vinland Saga. Or any thoughts if you have

Xavier Chandler

Saying u missed ur chance to sell drugs is wild 100s 🤣🤣