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And here we see Walter in his natural environment: throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.

Chris Bruneau

so, now its TWO episodes per week?? WooHoo! I feel like I won the lottery or something!!!

Chris Bruneau

Also, can we give Hank a shout -out!! he is an amazing detective!!!


Walt has 2 key skills: Cooking the purest Methamphetamine ever made, and asking to speak to the manager.


When Jesse is playing Rage at the beginning- there is an Easter egg on the wall when he is going down the stairs. The graffiti on the wall spells 'Gale'. Jesse's problem dog speech could be Aaron's best acted scene in the series. It definitely trumps his hospital mental breakdown in 0307. I thought the acting was inferior to this scene but it mostly had to do with the situation he was in as a character. He was being irrational and emotional in the hospital and not thinking clearly the show pretty much confirms this by immediately showing a mood chart next to him and in the next scene he changes his mind. It's weird what societies or groups deem "acceptable" after times passed especially. It feels relatable and grounded. Jesse did cross a line bringing up his daughter though. Plus that was a manslaughter case not a murder case....


Love you guys but pls I can’t hear the Walt’s a serial killer anymore 😭😂


Jesse's speech is such a good character beat. Despite his self-destructive tendencies, when he surrounds himself with people who are quick to excuse or forgive his actions, he ultimately refuses to take an easy way out. He's such a great foil to Walt – hard to believe his character wasn't meant to last beyond the first season.

Bryce Shinohara

"wooooo POV im the meth tube" lmao


Jesse feels like he hasn't been given the due consequences of his own actions. "when you do stuff and nothing happens" Even Mike and Gus who wanted Jesse dead in the previous season are boosting him up and making him one of them. He really seemed to resonate with the woman calling him out since he has gotten away with the things that have left him so guilty. Accepting seems like a farce to Jesse when there is clearly an arbitrary line that can be crossed where people no longer like acceptance and want consequences/punishment with how that scene ended.


I love seeing 2 episodes in a week!!!!!


When Jesse is playing the game Rage at the beginning- there is an Easter egg on the wall when he is going down the stairs. The graffiti on the wall spells 'Gale'. Jesse's problem dog speech could be Aaron's best acted scene in the series. It definitely trumps his hospital mental breakdown in 0307. I thought the acting was superior to this scene but it mostly had to do with his character's situation he was in. In the hospital he was being irrational and emotional and not thinking clearly- the show pretty much confirms this by immediately showing a mood chart right next to him and in the following scene he changes his mind about the partnership. It's weird what societies or groups deem "acceptable" after times passed especially. It feels relatable and grounded. Jesse did cross a line bringing up his daughter. Plus that was a manslaughter case not a murder case....


Is new episode for this week coming out today / tomorrow ?

Chris B

I know this is old but "tape it to the underside of your weenie" broke me ;))