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Feeling somewhat irritated over the loss, my mind was silent for a moment before there was a knock on the door. Expecting Frank to have forgotten something, I was surprised when the door swung open to reveal a young girl, who beamed warmly as soon as she saw me.

“Teressa? From the Daily Mirror? ” the blonde-haired, green-eyed maiden asked. “Oh, thank you for seeing me, I’ve wanted to thank you so much for your help!”

She practically leapt into my arms, holding my hands with a plentiful gratitude. “Wait, what…?” I answered, feeling bewildered over this unexpected guest, her beaming presence pushing me back into the office.

“I’m Eva,” the young lady introduced herself. “You’ve helped me made a Missing Person report previously, helping me to find my sister.” As if to punctuate the point, another woman stepped in behind her, shorter haired and wearing a hoodie. It was easy to see that they were closely related, blonde hair and green eyes seemed to run in the family.

“Cynthia here said seeing your paper was the reason she managed to find me, and I’m really thankful that we are finally reunited!” Eva leaned in as she explained, a nice, calming perfume wafting from her. Absent mindedly wondering what kind of perfume she was wearing, I reflexively took another deep breath, and I could feel the heat of irritation cool somewhat. Smiling warmly and tilting her head quizzically, Eva continued to explain her story. I was only half listening as I searched my memory.

Yes, I did vaguely recall someone like Eva coming to make a report many months ago. Her tone never rose above a reverent and highly cordial volume, the smile never leaving her face. The bright, lively lady holding my hands now was starkly different from the weary and worried girl who made the report, but that just shows how events can change people. Isn’t it great that they managed to get together again?

The click of the door as Cynthia closed it behind her snapped me from the temporary reverie, followed by an odd squeal of metal. “Hol' up,” I said. By then, I realized Eva had walked me into the office, gently but firmly pressing me against my work desk. Her grasp on my hand, tender at first, had slowly become more firm. Leaning back for support, my other hand landed on a pen, fingers wrapping around it instinctively.

“... I may need to ask for your help again, since you were so helpful in reuniting us...” Eva continued in her cheerful tone.

“What do you know about the Black Devil?”

Artist's Note:
Special thanks to D_raptor for helping to improve on the writing!




Awe I love how Eva symbiote is replicating her old sweet personality. Makes it all the more creepy and dangerous. I also like how she looks sweet and all but she knows exactly what her new mission is now.

Sim + Kraid

Yep, showing the gap between the sweet and the evil within the same person is what I aim for in Eva.