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Zombie Exodus: Side Stories, Brody & Madison, scene 13

  • Wait in the kitchen for the zombies and attack them. 8
  • Go back downstairs and secure the door. 13
  • Leave the house, taking the items they found in the basement. 6
  • 2023-08-03
  • —2023-08-13
  • 27 votes
{'title': 'Zombie Exodus: Side Stories, Brody & Madison, scene 13', 'choices': [{'text': 'Wait in the kitchen for the zombies and attack them.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Go back downstairs and secure the door.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Leave the house, taking the items they found in the basement.', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 13, 15, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 3, 15, 34, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 27}


continued from scene 12

"We've got these weapons, so we should use them," Brody says as he raises his shotgun.

Madison grabs his arm before he can take the shot. "Wait! If we shoot him, other crazies are going to come. They are drawn to the noise. And if you miss, he will run over here and bite one of us. Let me take the shot."

"I have a shotgun — it's almost impossible to miss at this distance."

Madison's eyes narrow at him. "Brody, I'm better than you. I won the Colorado State Shoot, remember? Let me do this."

Brody shakes his head. "But you never followed through with Uncle Nate's advice. You never joined the shooting club or took the classes he suggested."

Madison's jaw clenches. "I don't need a club to prove I can shoot a rifle. Will you just let me do this?"

Brody rolls his eyes. "Fine, take the shot. But don't miss," he says, adding a hint of sarcasm.

Madison takes a deep breath, steadying herself as she raises the modified AR-15. Her heart pounds in her chest, but she refuses to let fear overtake her. She focuses on the zombie, its grotesque features illuminated by the faint light filtering into the room, and time seems to slow as her finger rests on the trigger. Her mind silences all distractions, honing in on the target before her until she exhales and squeezes the trigger.

The gunshot echoes through the room. Madison's eyes never leave the zombie's head, and her breath hitches as she witnesses the impact — a perfect headshot.

She sighs in relief and smiles. Thank you, Uncle Nate.

The distant sound of shuffling footsteps, accompanied by low, guttural growls, reaches her ears. Footsteps pound across the ceiling, moving towards the staircase.

Brody's eyes widen, and his senses heighten as he turns to Madison. "We need to move. Now." They dash through the house, their hearts pounding with the thudding footsteps above. Madison's mind races, calculating their next moves, searching for a strategy to confront the oncoming horde.

"We need a plan," she whispers to Brody as they reach the bottom of the stairs. "We can't take them all head-on."

Brody nods, his mind racing alongside hers. He glances up the stairs and sees three more infected barreling towards them, stumbling over the steps and nearly falling.

"Back to the kitchen," he says, leading her back through the house until they push through the swinging door.

Madison takes cover behind the center island with her AR-15 ready. Brody positions himself by the back door, his shotgun aimed at the swinging door. The zombies draw nearer, their raspy breaths mingling with shuffling feet.

"Do we make a stand here or go downstairs? That place is the most secure room in the house," Madison says.

"It's either that, or we leave? Three crazies is a lot to handle…"

(Author's note - anything can happen since this is a side story and not part of the actual game. One of the twins, or both, can die based on your choices.)

continue to scene 14 


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