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Welcome to my 70th newsletter! It has been a busy month but quite productive. Three games are currently in development, but I've made progress on all of them. I will discuss each individually, but it's been a heavy month of writing and coding on my two games in the Zombie Exodus universe and my latest Hosted Games title, Deadbury Academy.

A long-time follower of mine sent me an email asking if I experience burnout or writer's block. I do suffer from burnout from time to time, but luckily those periods don't last long. I rarely suffer from writer's block. In fact, I need more time to write everything I imagine. I have another 4-5 major game ideas but not the time to create them. It's a good problem, and I see myself continuing to write games for as long as people stay interested in my work.

Let's get started.

Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 4

Part 4 currently stands at 360,000 words, with an additional 16,000+ words this month so far. This month I started working on the next phase of the long-awaited Scientist storyline. Your character will finally get a chance to research the Zeta virus, experiment on it, and work towards your goal, whether it is to cure those newly afflicted with the disease that leads to zombie transformation, create a vaccine to protect people from the Zeta virus or create a new version of the Zeta virus. This section of the game will be much larger than the one that existed in the original Zombie Exodus. Your character will also be able to research and experiment on the Zeta virus over time. Treatments and vaccines aren't made overnight, especially during apocalyptic times when resources are limited. The game will account for this.

I also finished the mission in which you go to a veterinary clinic with Reilly and Billie. I wrote both good and evil paths that can be taken with the two soldiers you meet. Most of you only play the good path, but I still like to include different styles for different players.

Next month, I plan to continue working on the Scientist's storyline while starting the next mission, which is still to be determined.

Deadbury Academy

I have been amazed at the interest in this game so far. I released the demo at the beginning of this month, and it has already been viewed over 2,500 times. Even though it is a zombie game, it takes a spin on the concept. Mia (the primary writer) and I have a lot planned for the title that will separate it from Zombie Exodus. We have streamlined many of the skills that you may recognize from Safe Haven, and we are providing Gamemaster Mode to let your character know when a stat has changed or the best skill to use for a check. This optional feature will change the game's difficulty, but I have received positive feedback on it.

I want to reiterate that Deadbury Academy will not be my focus. Safe Haven will be my focus for the foreseeable future, most likely for the next 5-7 years or more. However, I enjoy working on other games. Working on different projects helps me not to feel burnout from one title.

If you haven't tried the public demo yet, here's the link:

Zombie Exodus: Stronghold

Earlier today, I released Chapter 5 of ZE: Stronghold, so please go check it out if you have been following the story. You can download the official app for iOS or Android or play the game directly through your browser on PC or mobile.

The interest in the story has been amazing, and I appreciate everyone who has checked it out. Since its release, it has been the number one story on StoryLoom, having the number one spot for two months in a row. Again, thank you to everyone who reads it.

I have a lot planned for this title and look forward to continuing it and sharing all the twists and turns with you. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but the challenges for your group will only continue. The zombie invasion into Stronghold continues to spread, and your group must deal with your mortality (those who have read at least the first chapter know what I mean). I have also introduced the first romance in Chapter 5 and plan to release one more in the next chapter. If you still need to check it out, please read the first chapter to see if it interests you. For now, the story is entirely free on StoryLoom.

That's all for this month.


Emily Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-21 15:50:47 Oh I'm so up to playing the evil path. Definitely be different from what most interactive story games I have played.
2023-07-21 12:23:55 Oh I'm so up to playing the evil path. Definitely be different from what most interactive story games I have played.

Oh I'm so up to playing the evil path. Definitely be different from what most interactive story games I have played.

Michael O'Mahony

Glad you've done a darker path. I have only one saved file out of many which is 'evil' and I'm amazed how dark some parts can get.

Michael O'Mahony

Loving Stronghold and the idea on what you would do if bitten (Myself, I'd more than likely be a wreck). I find it hard to be evil in any type of games outright, if wronged then it's open season as they cast the first stone.