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I am continuing with various missions in chapter 14. This one involves scavenging a veterinary clinic with Reilly and Billie. On the way to the clinic, the following scene happens:


As you approach the junction where the dirt path converges with the main road, you veer sharply to the right. You're heading south now, towards the veterinary clinic you know is only a short distance away.

As you cover the first mile, you notice a field to your right, overgrown with high grass.

"Do you see those bodies over there, the zombies?" Reilly asks, pointing to the field. "Something killed them recently. You can see bullet holes in their bodies, and they haven't been picked over by birds or animals yet."

  After another half mile, you spot movement in the field. A man, garbed in a uniform that's seen better days, is awkwardly navigating through the grassy terrain. His hands are smeared with blood, cradling a knife that's seen its share of action. It's evident from his labored movements and sporadic stops that fatigue is gnawing at his stamina.

Following closely behind him is a trio of the infected, never more than twenty feet from their prey. Every pause the man takes amplifies the impending danger, the zombies' moans growing louder with each passing moment.

Not too far behind, there's another figure donned in a uniform akin to the first man's, though tinted slightly darker. He lurches through the tall grass, his movements an uncoordinated dance. His attempts to close the distance are met with frequent stumbles.

"We have to do something!" Billie shouts, both hands pressed against the side window}.

  As you watch the man in front running, you can see his strength fading. It's only a matter of time before he collapses, becoming an easy victim for the undead. You decide to…


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