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Zombie Exodus: Aftermath, scene 23

  • Sneak into camp and create a distraction while Serena and Portland free the prisoners. 23
  • Have Serena fire at the tower to draw out the West Pointers while you and Portland free the prisoners. 5
  • March into camp and persuade the West Pointers to free the prisoners. 2
  • Follow the three West Pointers leaving camp. If you ambush them, you can take their uniforms and weapons. 2
  • 2022-07-29
  • 32 votes
{'title': 'Zombie Exodus: Aftermath, scene 23', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sneak into camp and create a distraction while Serena and Portland free the prisoners.', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Have Serena fire at the tower to draw out the West Pointers while you and Portland free the prisoners.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'March into camp and persuade the West Pointers to free the prisoners.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Follow the three West Pointers leaving camp. If you ambush them, you can take their uniforms and weapons.', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 29, 19, 14, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 32}


Continued from scene 23 

“I doubt they will kill Cameron. They would have already done it. I have a feeling they’re going to take him back to their camp. Let’s follow them.”

Portland shakes her head. Still whispering, she says, “What’s the point of that? If we follow them back to their camp, we will have to deal with more of them to be able to save Cameron.”

“Because that’s where they’re keeping my friends,” Serena says. “I agree with Violet. We follow them and save Cameron and my friends. Look, they are on the move.”

The two West Pointers wrap a rope around Cameron’s arms and body and walk him east. You, Serena, and Portland follow at a distance. Serena takes the lead; you can tell she’s a capable tracker. With each twist and turn along the path, she keeps your group far enough away to remain hidden while never losing your targets.

After a considerable walk that takes you over a tall hill topped by a sun-scorched field, you come to a plateau where sits a campground with numerous tents, a central campfire, and a watchtower made of wood and stone. A West Pointer stands attentively in the tower with a scoped rifle in hand. A long wooden cage sits in the back of the camp; inside it stand three men and two women, among them Steven and Jesse.

“Dammit! They got Steven. I can’t believe he was captured,” Serena said, taking out her pistol.

Portland buries her face in her hands. “How the hell are we going to rescue all of them AND Cameron?”

The sun has crossed the middle of the sky, meaning it must be around two or three in the afternoon. You make your way to a small grove of trees fifty yards from the western side of the West Point camp. Over the next fifteen minutes or so, you examine the base from afar. You count eight West Pointers, one of whom is a captain who orders the others around. Only two have rifles at the ready, aside from the one in the tower. All of the others have sidearms. Three of them pack tall backpacks and look to be preparing to leave, and one cooks over a large pot on the campfire.

“What are we going to do?” Serena asks. Her hands shake, and legs bounce nervously like she’s ready for action.

After she speaks, you see movement in the camp. One of the West Pointers moves towards the cage and fiddles with the lock. The door opens, and there appears to be a scuffle as Jesse is dragged out and brought to a poll on the eastern side of camp. They bind her hands over her head and tie her to the poll.

“Are they going to interrogate her?” Portland asks, her voice squeaky with fear.

You have to do something and do it fast.

Continue to scene 25 


Dustin Youngren

Question. are we counting our primary secondary strengths? Or no? What are our weaknesses?


Violet's abilities are Close-combat, First-aid, Survival. We never established secondary strengths or weaknesses.

Dustin Youngren

@ Jim Dattilo since stealth is not One of our three strengths, would that mean stealth can be a risky move?