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Zombie Exodus: Aftermath, scene 15

  • Take the rifle and then hold them at gunpoint while Jesse robs them. 2
  • Sneak through the tent and rob as many items as we can without getting caught. 3
  • Approach Serena and Steven and ask for their help. 23
  • 2022-04-29
  • —2022-05-03
  • 28 votes
{'title': 'Zombie Exodus: Aftermath, scene 15', 'choices': [{'text': 'Take the rifle and then hold them at gunpoint while Jesse robs them.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Sneak through the tent and rob as many items as we can without getting caught.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Approach Serena and Steven and ask for their help.', 'votes': 23}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 3, 16, 9, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 29, 15, 44, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 28}


Continued from scene 14

“We don’t have time to sail to the farming community. We should look to the north for antibiotics and supplies.”

Jesse and Portland agree. The three of you eat a quick breakfast of the grilled fish and some wild mushrooms Jesse found growing just outside the clearing. It’s not exactly breakfast food, but you enjoy the first substantial meal you have had in days.

Because her ankle is still healing, Portland decides to stay behind with Cameron and keep watch on him. That leaves you and Jesse to start your trek through the woods to the north. Just past the first row of spruce trees lies a field of Evergreen, making you think back to a time when you went shopping for Christmas trees. The smell brings back memories of chopping down one of the biggest your family ever owned. Those days are long gone, but the nostalgia remains.

You’re brought out of reminiscing when Jesse places her hand on your shoulder. “Here that?” she whispers.

Faint voices come from the west, and the two of you sneak towards them. Soon you see a break in the trees and a small tent pitched along with a burned-out campfire. A man and a woman sit on the ground with their backs to the tent, plates of food in their hands.

“You may have thought I called out her name, but I called your name out. Serena! Serena! That’s what I called,” the man says. He has a light beard and wears blue jeans, hiking boots, and a sweater with a Disneyland logo.

She shifts on a small blanket where she sits. She wears shorts, low ankle hiking boots, and a black tank top. “I’ve heard you call my name out before when you sleep and it sounded nothing like my name last night. It would be like me calling out Tony. Your name is Steven.”

He shakes his head. “You were half asleep. Do you know what you even heard?”

As the two argue, you slip backwards through the trees. Jesse waves you to circle around until you are close to the back of the tent. You can see two full backpacks nestled together beside a sleeping bag. Jesse then gets close to you and brings her mouth next to your ear. “Let’s sneak in the back and rob the tent. They are so busy blabbing away and stuffing their faces, they got no chance of seeing or hearing us.”

When you look into the back of the tent, you can catch sight of a long bar of metal beneath a sleeping bag. You have seen a rifle enough times to know they have one tucked under their sleeping area. You could probably sneak in there, grab the rifle, and hold them at gunpoint while Jesse takes all of their gear. You also consider approaching them. They appear to be normal people and could very well be friendly and willing to offer help. There would be no reason to rob them, and you may even make some allies out here.

Continue to scene 16 


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