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Here is a schedule of things you can expect to see this month.

1/4 -- Poll for article of the month. ($3+ tiers)

1/8 -- Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven  scenario poll. ($5+ tiers)

1/12-- Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven general content poll. ($1+ tiers)

1/15 -- Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven scenario  poll.  ($5+ tiers)

1/20 -- Newsletter. ($1+ tiers)

1/25 --  Updated Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 3, Alpha Test ($10+ tiers)

1/29 -- Article of the Month.   ($3+ tiers)

For those of you at the Creator level for 6 months or more, please refer to this post about your tier reward.

Discord: Remember to join my discord and get your special patron role.


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