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At this level of support, I'd like your help in designing a scenario. I want to leave it open enough to fit into a current Part 2 chapter. I'm not ready to build it yet, but I'd like to brainstorm ideas.

Is this a character in the main group not utilized enough? Who isn't receiving enough scene time?

Is there a moral dilemma you'd like to explore?

What other characters may be involved in the scene?

Let's start a dialogue and see where this scene can go.



My two scents on possibilities to add. But I understand writing isn't easy as one two three. But food for thought. What about a unique fun side mission with love interest or friend which requires mushrooms. I'm not a huge drug person but ever wonder what it would be like to be high on shrooms in a zombie apocalypse? Do drugs to cool down or by accident due to failing survival check. Thinking hey this is just edible shrooms. Then poof. But more grim approach. I always loved seeing these scenes in movies or books where the protagonist chooses to do the right thing, saving someone. Then turns out that person you saved kills someone important, ro, pet, nephew etc. Forces the reader to question their morality. Making the reader realize doing good isn't always good. You kinda went that approach with finn which I liked, but it felt like testing the water. What if finn returns and ends up killing idk nora. Losing a loved one messes with someone's head. Food for thought.


Your first side mission is actually in the works. Sort of. I can’t give away spoilers but it is similar to your idea. I definitely want to write more difficult moral dilemmas. The trick of writing a game like this is balance. How much of each element do I add between action, humor, zombies, romance, etc. I really want to keep adding and give people tons of avenues to explore their characters. Losing a loved one definitely messes up people.

Barry Watson

The beauty of an early camping location in the middle of nowhere is something as simple as gunshots or shouting can trigger a mission. I’ve often wondered how random events can be fully handled by choicescript.


Have you ever read Vendetta? It is an early choice game that never got published. The writer has many random events. It is super hard to test because you can't count on the random event occurring during any one time you play it.