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I'm home again! I'm going to see if I'm able to finish the chapter of Love in Futa Time today or tomorrow to make it public as soon as possible, the truth is that I already wanted to have it published but with the delay from the hospital I haven't been able to finish it. Several things I want to comment on: 

-First of all, thank you very, very much for all the messages of support. 

-The second thing, sorry for the delay (yet another) in publication times. 

-Third, from now on I have to change my work hours: I can't continue going to bed at five a.m. and getting up in the afternoon. I've been with this routine since 2020 and now it's starting to have a hard effect on me. I will continue to schedule posts at the same time, on Patreon and Subscribestar I know it can be done without any problem. 

-Fourth, about my time in the hospital, I have never been shy to talk about these things and if you are curious I will explain it to you now. I only spent three days on it and I was diagnosed with epilepsy, so I'm now taking Keppra in addition to Rivotril for REM sleep disorder. I was admitted to the hospital on Saturday morning for an epileptic seizure and apparently once I was there the doctors told me that I had another epileptic seizure in the hospital (I say apparently because I never remember anything). Since Saturday I have been calm, without seizures. Now I can only hope that this lasts longer, because this year (two months and a little) I have already had six epileptic seizures. To give you an idea of what condition I was in when I entered the hospital, I didn't even realize when they put the IV in my arm. XD

I don't know if I will have time to finish the chapter of Love in Futa today, tomorrow I will finish it at the latest, and regarding the new update 0.12 of Your Place, tomorrow I will publish the progress of the game with waiting times and so on. These days away from my computers, the truth is that they have been a nuisance. 

In short, I'm better now, and again I want to thank you for all the messages and support these days.



Stay safe , take it easy