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Post only for patreons because it includes adult images.

These days I have dedicated myself to finishing a couple of renders of the conversation with Mrs Bellmere, continuing during the day with the scene in the offices that the MC will visit on Wednesday (if he wants), and at night with the first scene of the MC and Anna ( futa on male of course). 

In the next few days I will try to finish with the visit to the other office, which will have an impact on Thursday, and continue with the +18 scenes between the MC and Anna. These days it is being a little more difficult for me to move forward because of the effects of the programmed torture (aka dentist) to which I am being subjected due to that blow against the monitor a few months ago. 

In any case, I will try to remain constant in the progress of 0.12. At the moment I have already been informed of several bugs in 0.11, but there is a lack of more details, I have not yet been able to locate them. For 0.12 they will be corrected. 

About Love in Futa times:

It begins (or rather continues) my first story with sims4. As I already said, continuing with tk17 is almost impossible. That's why I'll start programming the videos with sims4. The series will be long. More than those of tk17 and will advance at a different pace. My original idea is to start with a young protagonist who grows chapter by chapter. The first will be about his life at home, the second about his life at the institute, the third, about his move with his aunt, the fourth about his life with her, the fifth about the end of his life at the institute and his departure. to live on the college campus along with her lesbian sister and another character she will meet over time... etc. 

It is a fairly long project and if I see that I like it I will continue it for a long time. The first chapter, which is the one I'm doing right now, will barely include scenes of the MC, but mostly of his mother, who works on the street... you know what I mean.