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Less to go... finally. The first chapter is almost finished and I'll post it as soon as I can. These days I have been especially focused on the +18 scene with the cops, finishing the new cover for the game and starting the update checks to avoid bad code parts or misspelled dialogues (to the best of my ability the latter).

Unfinished cover

The cover has been a bit complicated by the number of characters on it (15+MC) but it's almost finished. I have decided to render it in parts, six parts specifically. It is made at 6k, a different resolution from the other renders in the game (4k) to be able to add more details to the characters that appear in it. In any case, by keeping the 16:9 constant, the 6k image can be passed to 4k or other common resolutions that are required by certain programs (to put a cover on Renpy) or web pages (the Patreon or neo-twitterXXX cover). 

The +18 scene is going as expected: it's not easy to avoid clipping in a space as small as that of that scene (the back seats of a car) with three characters, but it's on the right track. I will summarize the missing parts:

-Conversation with Anna: another four-five partial renders to finish the conversation. 

-Post-conversation with Anna: Sas and the MC will sleep that night (it's already too late) on the sofa in the apartment. Two-three renders. 

-The +18 scenes with the cops are underway, I have prepared the background and a couple of renders to give more detail to the scene. There are still several renders left, all of them partial, but since they are for "animation" several are needed. 

-The scene +18 with the third cop: to do. 

-The post cops scene almost finished: there is one render left and it will be finished. 

In the next few days I will continue with the correction, I will finish with the cover (today probably), I will continue with the scene with the cops and I will leave the nights to render the final scene chatting on the sofa with Sas before finishing the chapter.


Futatown - chapter 2:

Work in progress........



that rubber on cop looks so great