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Hello, everyone!

Post only for patreons because it includes adult images.

I will start with the progress of the last few days. I think the most important thing has been realizing that the excess of characters in a scene can slow down its rendering even if they are not focused, that is, in a scene like the last one of the assault on the club in which I had almost 30 characters, DAZ3D You must process the information of all of them before rendering even if they do not appear in the render, so eliminating them is a considerable advance. In recent days I have had delays arising from that exact reason: I was trying to render a scene with three characters and the computer couldn't handle it (because it had to process more than it was capable of). This "discovery" that should have been obvious will help me not make the same mistake in the future.

On the other hand, the aforementioned renders of the assault are finally finished. In the end the MC escapes from that situation by following Isabella, his co-worker to his apartment. The apartment scenes have been done for a long time. With this finished, all that remains is the animation scene of Anna, Sam and Katia with the MC, there will be several animations with various poses, all of them futa on male and optional to watch. I think I will use the same trick as with the police scene: the player, if he cannot or does not want to go with the prostitute, is forced to go to the scene with Sas's three friends, but he can choose to close his eyes. That is, the scenes will not play, you will only see a black screen, but the event will have happened anyway.

The images corrupted by the old lighting have already been corrected, it is the most boring part that remained. On the other hand, when this post is public I will have already edited the first animations for 4-way and the animation will be rendered. These animations are the last thing left from DAZ3D's point of view to finish the update. I've also added some transition scenes between afternoon and night, in which Sas talks to the MC about her plans for that night, without going into too many details...

The two points that remain are to edit the teacher's animations and those of the 4-way, in addition to finishing the script that I have been making progress on these days. The script is in the transition from afternoon to night, the part of arriving from work, finding Alex and Nat, deciding what to do with them and finishing by saying goodbye has already been written. I decided not to go any further until I had the transition renders with Sas, which I have been doing on my old computer. When this post is published (I'm writing it twelve hours before) the renders of the aforementioned transition will be finished and I will be able to continue with the script uninterruptedly until the end, all that remains is to move forward. Perhaps by the next post (May 26) the renders of the 4-way animation have not yet been finished. But next time everything should be almost 99% finished.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:

The progress is more scarce since I am focusing on finishing 0.12.


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