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Is on discord, in the a-willing-victim age-restricted channel, as will be all future chapters, because it opens with consentacles and only gets worse from there.

Chapters are short. (As is the full story, probably.) It's just something I wrote on a whim after spending an unhealthy amount of time on scribblehub. (An experience which I really hope hasn't negatively impacted my grammar...) It'll occupy the Monday slot, but there doesn't seem much point posting on patreon about every chapter when discord has notifications of its own. I'll post again when it finishes or if anything important happens.

Here's the synopsis:

In a version of Earth under constant threat from invading demons of the Dark Dimension, magical girls empowered by the Light Dimension have spent centuries fighting back against the scourge. Despite their early losses, modern technology means that encroaching demons are detected the moment they dare poke their tentacles out into the world, and careful logistics ensures the demons are disposed of within minutes, long before they can do significant damage.

That is generally considered a good thing. However, there's a black lining to every clear sky, and perhaps one could claim that those under the magical girls' protection no longer have the respect they once had. Treated more like celebrities or idols than soldiers of war, the protection they offer is taken for granted. Demons are no longer perceived as a threat. Some people have even begun to view them as an opportunity.

For Wendy, a chance encounter with a demon is literally a dream come true. However, the dream has always ended shortly after her 'rescue'. Reality isn't quite so convenient, especially when it turns out the demons are engaged in subterfuge of their own.



Welp. I've seen enough hentai to know where This is going. 😆