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Hi everyone~ It's Shizumi Hanako~

I think everyone already had plans for Christmas, right? Will be a lot of fun and joy.

Today is my 22th birthday, and.. Thank you really much for your support on Patreon, people who still currently support and those who unsupported, I am really appreciated that you could spent your time to read my stories.

I wish that everyone could be with me in the next year~ And I will do my best to practice drawing~

So, my Christmas plan is just going out to have some drink, and then, I will try to finish Christmas stories for everyone before 25. For the stories, there will be a skinsuit one and a Possession stories that I post a small preview yesterday on Pixiv~

For those who haven't seen it:

I hope everyone will like it~ Also, I will try to add an additional possession content into the Possession story, since I don't have time to make the third Christmas story.. I'm really sorry about that. I hope everyone would understand for me~

Thank you very much for everyone's support~

And see everyone on Christmas~ 

Happy early Holiday~