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I’ve been feeling particularly nostalgic lately so let’s scratch that itch with RETRO VIDEO GAMES as this month’s theme.

The cut off year is 2000 so please limit your submissions to games from the 80’s and 90’s.

As always, have fun!


It should go without saying but ALL SUBMITTED CHARACTERS MUST BE ADULTS

Here's the obligatory listing of the rules:

*Characters must be adults. No minors or aged up characters, please.

*Requests must be limited to 1 character (I may add a second character to make the scene better, ie the elf doctor in the Mrs. Claus pin up) *Requests must feature pregnancy, blueberry inflation, weight gain, stuffing, vore, etc. (Y'all know my wheelhouse :P)

*Post your requests in the comment section below. Please try and be as detailed as possible and include reference.

*I'll be posting a poll to vote on which idea gets drawn later in the month.



Lady puffy from nights into dreams blueberry inflation


Impa from the legend of Zelda Oracle series with a big ol' baby belly.

A Troopa

Classic "Justin Bailey" Samus bursting out of her power suit as she suddenly inflates!


Um I want to submit belly inflation (of blood if you ok with that?) of Lilith from darkstalkers: https://www.fightersgeneration.com/news2021/char4/lilith-darkstalkers-capcom-reference-art.jpg

Zachary M Rivera

Mileena in her MK2 outfit eating one of her opponents as a fatality


Samus in her classic justin bailey outfit extra curvy.


Tomb Raider 3 Lara Croft in South Pacific outfit in a tomb or jungle hit by darts with swollen ass/belly/tits/lips References: https://files.catbox.moe/yuo9oq.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/f4g7xk.jpg


Jasmine from Pokémon Gold & Sliver sphered up as she had her ace Steelix teleported inside of her by a challengers unwieldy Abra. Whining that she needs some medicine from Cianwood City before it's too late.


Fay from Star Fox 2 has been captured by Andros and used as a baby making factory to grow his sinister bio-mechanical experiments.