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This was a particularly fun pin up to do! Saturday morning cartoons provide some of the best ladies for expansion wank, IMHO.





Hanna Barbara sure had its bevy of babes

Captain Rocko

I've said it before, but my only experience with Jabber Jaw is the Song that came on during the commercials on boomerang. And after seeing the intro to the original show, I can see why it didn't catch on.

Scott Fine

This is wonderful.


I know it’s because of her outfit, but I was secretly hoping that this would be a bare belly pic


I’m legitimately surprised that outside of that boomerang song they’ve never tried to reboot all modern n edgy like? If that music video was a while show I TOTALLY woulda watched it as a kid


I can’t do it myself due to my lack of talent. I do know a colorist on DA but I need Sidkidd’s permission first. Not gonna steal somebody’s hard work.