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Hey y'all, just dropping in with an update that the July rewards may be a bit late.

As of right now the only image I have completed for July is the Lappland image. All though it was a rather complex image, I don't consider it enough for the month. I have some stuff I'm currently working on which I hope to get done relatively soon.

One is an illustration of a character designed around some of my favorite tropes.

An other thing I've been working on is a Live2D Luna model. You can catch some previews of that if you're in the Discord. However, I may have underestimated how much work goes into a Live2D model, so we'll see how long that takes.

I have an image that needs to be done by mid August also, but I can't mention what it is, because it's a surprise. 🤫

Anyway, thanks for reading my update, I hope you all have a great day/night.


Chace Fisher99

Cant wait to see what you have in store for us, how do i get access to the discord server


Thank you. And you can access the Discord by connecting your account to Patreon. You can see more information here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role