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Since last update: (1.8p5)

hair dye for everyone! new champs, Raka and Kindred. new body-types for butt gape. rammus and (functional? breakable?!) condoms for the default guys. plus a little preview of champ kinks and pressing buttons (or rape mode) now speeds up 'busy' scenes.

Still to go:

next big update will -actually- be the full version of FYC 1.8 , which is the last that's really planned for that project. (except maybe stretch-goals.. I dunno yet..)
anyhoo.. there's another Character vote coming up soon and most of the naked ladies will probably get clothes. :)

And thanks to the backers of FYC:

  • Nonexistantone
  • CPU
  • Ahri
  • RubyRose
  • Luke Starbrook
  • Chandler Dumas
  • jan Clever
  • Cale 03
  • Mads Gam Nielsen
  • Ragemaw
  • Tyler
  • Marlon Bridgman
  • Nathan
  • Xera Dam
  • John Hart
  • Frederick Kessel
  • FuzzyLychee
  • Silas Dasgupta
  • CreepinCommie
  • kirkland arbeau
  • Nick
  • Ratman1029
  • zozorick
  • Emilien Foucher
  • I have a long name, but that's kind of a lie
  • Moka Akashiya
  • Dizzy
  • david clark
  • Chivalric
  • siro covo
  • Xions
  • Helofighter
  • Kaitokun
  • The Darkness
  • Fima
  • Shida
  • Lieutenant Colonel Orangejuice
  • zak
  • climbb45318
  • Worldslater
  • Deathz
  • daniel
  • Wilsonthegreen
  • Descartes
  • Your Best Friend
  • Alexander Martens
  • MH
  • Nope Noperson
  • Beldantazar
  • Gawd Almighty
  • Alexei Short
  • Te1emachus
  • Katarina Morello
  • Michael Eskesen
  • Michael Murphy
  • Disconnected
  • Steve
  • Keon Boyd
  • KC
  • Takayuki Chiba
  • InfamousTA
  • davids251
  • Vincent20
  • Justin
  • Alex
  • air990099
  • Veloxity



sjhd dhdh

Can u upload this version on leagueofcyrstals?

The Darkness

hey Corta, just a suggestion, but is there a way to *disable* a given kink? I am aware there's a "like", "dislike", "speed like", and "penis size" section, but is there a way to, say, disable the like/dislike (such as "Likes everything", "Dislikes nothing", "likes all speeds", "likes all dicks", plus all corresponding opposites)? While I like what you have here, it strikes me that it'd be possible for someone to like a specific type of sex but not necessarily dislike other types, and such.


tl;dr incoming.. :D there's options to turn the whole thing off, swap the focus (click icon for new preference) swap polarity (clicking the background, turning like to dislike, and back again) so, there's a fair bit of control, there.. but as for setting things to all-on or off.. I guess I can make a new thing when you click the pose colours for all-star-mode.. but, the thing is, the kinks you see there is only half the system, really.. the real meat is gonna be in what you do vs her excitement. at low levels, she'll get more satisfaction out of foreplay, opening up to the rest after a bit of warm-up. and yes, she'll get mad if you go right for her ass, even if it's not rape mode. get her to the goal and she'll cum with you, treat her bad and she'll probably pass out. ooh yeah, also.. the blue bar in the kinks hud will tell you how well you're doing, so dont worry, I'm not going full puzzle-game or anything..