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"It's mmmeeeeeeee!"

..quick little ditty, because new stuff is taking quite so long..

still drawing the mess for ejac scenes (v only now, it's not working out for the rest.. :c )

and shout-outs to "gimme gross stuff" girl.. you know who, ya bad little thing!  ..dont make me bring out trundle! >:P



Axel Duebjerg

If you want a suggestion that shouldn't be too hard to implement, could you please let us change the hue of things?


it's not... particularly easy, or anything... but, it -is- something that's been requested quite a bit.. so.... yeah. hair colours confirmed for later! :D

Lash Gordon

going ok atm? :)


well, back on track.. been getting caught up with things, just booted flash up for the first time all week.. :\ good news though, got time off next week and ideas for new stuff, so I wanna try and get some stuff done! ..and sorry for the lack or real updates... I'm trying to force myself to get things out. um... stay tuned! <3