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If you're reading this, you made it past the paywall.

..or I messed up.. -in which case.. freebies!

^^^ it's the attachment up there ^^^

[or at the bottom, on the front page. ..embarrassing..]

Pretty sure ol' patty dont do embedding, so if the file downloads, drag it straight back into your browser and play away!

## now, business

new stuff: costumes, new poses, maps + menu, bgm (sfx later) and loads of alien wangs!

oh yeah, not much testing on the ground hole, so tell me if you spot any bugs.

.. other than them all being human.. I just havent drawn 'em, yet. :\

once I've got the day system in, the blood pack, cerberus and council ships will turn up randomly (I spent a while in PS to be able to hide em, too!)

plus, they'll get their own unique looks and actual game balancing soon.

because.. right now, blood pack just takes all your cash.. :S

for next update I wanna finish off the upgrades, get the day-timers working, add a few more poses and draw some more costumes.

aiming for another week on the gameplay stuff.

as for the art.. we cant rush that now, can we?


poses reset properly,  added mute to pause menu, stamina resets on new session and fixed up some minor graphical stuff on quarian helmets.


Password is still the same, my patreon url. (you can copy it from the start menu)

and I'll make the credits section once I've actually got your donations :)




It is great to see the new maps and the new holes. However the biggest glitch I notice is how there's a "duplicate" that appears when you go for a dick. The duplicate remains in the idle pose while the player controlled one is working.


awh.. looks like I missed a few variables on the new poses.. I'll track 'em down and get a hotfix up. :)


Costume toggles/selection coming soon? Redhead shep was my favorite and now she's in a full bodysuit... :( New areas and dongers are cool, though.


yeah, split costumes/bodies coming up soon. it's just WAY easier for me to draw stuff (and check for clipping) when they're all together like this. we ought to be goodsies by next week's update. :)