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Problem with behind the scenes work.. there's not a whole lot to actually show off..
so here we are, after way too long. a couple new heads, and an almost functional boy's side.

outfits all made it to the right spots, and I've gotten most of the weird stuff to behave.
one big issue was a new animation layer I needed on-top of the body. so we can have outfits like the business suit up there actually bend with the new split torso, instead of BREAKING MY DAMN IMMERSION.

I've also put a fair bit of work into simplifying things, so they can be way more complicated later.
for example, on the girl's side, you mix up a different costume for each section of an arm and make your own tops.. but we cant do nearly as much variety for the guys, so instead I'll just have it pick a shirt then anything linked will just match up. that way I can slap in some alt versions of outfits later without having to worry about things being out of place. arms go with shirts, legs and belts go along with pants. you know, like a boring old sENsiBle sprite sheet..

there's one big downside of the new chest body-mod though - vertical lines. up top, those two crossed outfits had given me a whole lotta problems. and honestly, I've wasted way more time than I ought to admit trying to fix them.. they just wont look any good when it's moving, no-matter how many big-brain multi-layer fake line tricks I do. they're probably gonna be redesigned at some point, but for now, those shirts are just gonna be neutered. and that'll be something I've just got to keep in mind for any future outfits. ..but believe me, it'll all be worth it once you see it animated, I promise!

I'm almost done tinkering with the boy's template now. last major thing is all the plans I've got for the downstairs area. my mind is set on different looks with gradual bulge/erection systems ..and I'll see how feasible a size system would be ~ cus spice of life, and all that jazz

after that, I ought to finally be clear of anything else that'd make me have to re-animate every singe scene again. (GASP! I just remembered the long hair layer. close one..) which means I can actually start doing the fun stuff and leave the rest of the art for later
(or probably for somebody actually talented on a commission, who knows? :) )

anyways.. silence broken, curse lifted. sorry there wasnt enough to really look at..
much love, cya next week <3




Well, there is definitely a lot of confidence in your words, and I think you will succeed with all your plans coming true.


I'm so excited for this release. This game was amazing and its a shame the original creators just abandoned it.