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time to talk about what's coming up!
-word wall incoming-

there's gonna be a few changes, but I guess I'll start with the old plan..
I actually wanted to make a whole slew of games with different themes (sci-fi, apocolypse, city life, superheroes, etc) all revolving around the same sort of mechanics.

I wanted more of a focus on small roleplaying sections over a more singular grand narrative.  whim was going to be the first, and it was a d&d style RPG with all the classic fantasy tropes. 

it's a big task alltogether, obviously, with a number of huge hurdles to overcome.
but I think I've come up with a way to have my cake and eat it too..

the simple answer is roleplay itself. we could set the whole game on earth, have all the everyday life & jobs there, then have all the out-there story segments play out as a tabletop fantasy.

not settled on the name just yet, but I'm thinking "cosplay call-girl" as a working title.
you'll have bills to pay, money to be made and a wardrobe to fill!

theres gonna be a life-sim. you'll be able to pick up jobs, like waitressing in a dressup cafe, going to conventions, 'film industry' work and probably house/baby/petsitting too. all your outfits will be tagged with certain styles (alt, sports, cute, fancy, everyday, etc) and they'll have some effect on various situations (for example, maybe theres a casting call event for a catgirl photoshoot, or a sci-fi convention or something like that) anyway, point is that I'm trying to work in a lot of chances for dressup, rather than having you pick a single outfit and sticking with it forever. variety is the spice of life, after all!

naturally, you'll have the option to work on the street too. non-story conversations will probably revolve around a sims-style setup (with no direct words, and most of the action happens behind the scenes with dice rolls and win/lose checks) your partner will be given a semi-random personality type that effects how they react (like serious businessmen would probably respond better to an office dress, high heels and straight taking, over than a loud bubblegum chewing punk) and also they'd have set of hidden preferences (kinks, mostly.) you'll get generic options like greetings, small-talk, and various upgradable flirting techniques, with stats on the back-end to decide how it all works for simplicity's sake. you'll be able to work in questions to figure out kinks, haggle prices and offer extra services to sweeten the pot. (like maybe they dont want to use protection, have you act a certain way, want to get a little rough with you, facial/creampie finishes, butt stuff .. things like that.)

if that all works out, I've got a whole new idea for a sex suite.
it's gonna be an all-out sex battle system. largely automated, but you'll have control over (or be able to fight for) anything important. everyone gets a stamina and speed bar, every pose has a different slant for stats. poses like doggy will give more power to him, using his chosen speed over yours, and giving action points too. they'll unlock side-actions on every pose (like pulling hair, chasing strokes & choking for example) those actions will count up a tally for the session as well, using a lot of rough actions will give it that label. same for tender poses (like leg-wrapped missionary, kissing) domineering (cowgirl, reach-arounds) and nasty (spitting, slaps, eating ass) yeah, you get the idea..

all the rp stuff will be done by going to a nerd den (basement? arcade? havent decided yet) and I'll make a few characters who'll game master for you. you'll be able to make character sheets and pick a story for the session. story vignettes will play out more like a choose-your-own-adventure story (think myth complex, or freeman's robin games) and span a few different themes for variety. I'll probably hire actual writers to make the scripts too. they'll be designed to be played through multiple times to see everything, and thats where the character sheets come in. make a toon and their gear/stats can be improved and carried over between stories. hookups will use the same mechanics from before, and fighting will mostly work like the tech demo I made earlier, with most things being stat-based and skillbar automated. lose a tough battle and there'll probably be perma-death (but, you'll have the option to beg/persuade your dm or something for in-world cheating) 

I've got a few ideas for NPCs with relationship arcs and stuff, but they're all the way down here because that's not really what I want the focus to be on. and even with the simplified game ideas I've been brainstorming, those playable segments will still take a while to make, and I'll probably have changed my mind on a lot of their stories by then.

so yeah, that's the broad strokes of the gameplan.

it's got room to use all the costumes I can cram into the template, and the premise of roleplay games gives me a lot of leeway when it comes to setting replayable side-stories. could even do fan-fic shorts too, if we wanted..

I'll talk more about the new sex systems next time and soon I'll do a little gameplay prototype as a proof of concept (trigger warning: stick figures) .. but for now, I think this will be enough.

I'm currently working on the male models. its recycling a lot of old assets and I'll probably commission a few slots later so it shouldnt take a crazy amount of time. but make no mistake though, it isnt going to be quick.

there arent going to be any real hands-on goodies until I can get everything done and start animating. I know that'll mean a huge drop in subs - and like, I totally get that.. 

if that's you, please be sure to keep following me, because I think I'm really gonna have something great to share with you all later  <3  

~ C  


i liek katz

Will this project be in Flash? Just curious, since Flash is obviously on it's way out, and it sounds like if you can make a good base, it can be used to make offshoots from the main projects. Food for thought anyways.


yeah, I've been mulling that over since the kill command first came around.. to start with, theres no telling exactly what'll happen after flash's official death date, embedding is mostly gone already, but I havent heard much about what happens to downloadables and installed flash players but either way, december 2020 is still a good while away. and theres a decent chance someone will release a converter (like reviving the flash unity plugin) or a whole new program could even turn up after adobe's stranglehold is gone in the mean time, I'll keep working with what I know. actionscript is basically C#, so the codebase can be moved over to unity when the time comes. the art would be a real pain to migrate, but not impossible (not to mention the most complex stuff in the template will need to move either way, so things can only get easier!) but anyway, flash's legacy will leave a huge hole in the market, and I've got plenty of hope that someones gonna bridge that gap :)


Can i suggest a paper doll / moddable structure for the game? That is creating art and sprites in such a way that people can easily create their own characters and write their own scenes? It may be difficult but will allow a huge amount of material to be created by the community without them begging you to add specific content.


it'd be awesome, but I'm probably out of my depth there.. ..well.. with a redesign (and a little research on hot-swaps) I could maybe-probably get a bitmapped character slot going, but the sprites would need to be massive with this many unique art zones. (but I guess it could be manageable if all the layers were flattened together ..hmm..) and as for custom scripts, I'd like to have a streamlined "talker, anim, dialogue" text input system .. but I'll have to look up how to pull lines from an external file. so.. not completely crazy, but either way theres a mountain of work to be done on the base systems before mod tools get a look-in. ..it's something I'll keep in mind while I build the scripts though :)