Cut Content: BHGH Story Scenes (Patreon)
2018-02-25 06:34:49
simple stuff, right here.
theory was that you'd win one of these scenes for 100-repping each map. ..but, time got short and ruined those plans. -_-
(really, these wouldnt have taken -that- long, if everybody was naked. so it's all my fault for having that 2nd character vote because I wanted edi on the roster.) :I
anyhoos, here's what's goin' on up there:
- 1: Slums. first round off the block was gonna be real simple-ish. boy was gonna be swapped out for a gloryhole wall. and the scene itself was gonna be a boob+blowjob. a nice ... clean start :)
- 2: C-sec. cuffs and pinned down, what's not to love? would need a little work beefing up the mister, along with de-beefing those wide thighs of hers. book would probably get swapped for a holo-pad, or I'd just replace the whole arm. *shrugs*
- 3: Consort. up against the glass, she would be kneeling and the partner was gonna be a nice big elcor. .. that would have been fuuuuun *drools*
- 4/5: Flux. I wanted to use a varren in the first pose, but that'd make patreon mad at me. (they super-aint into beast :I ) so the backup idea (the other one) was pretty meh. I guess 'he' could have been swapped out for a futa asari, at least ( a much more flattering pose)
- 6: Blood pack. I really liked the chaos in this scene, that's why I built part of it into my end-scene. :)
- 7: Cerberus. dork for invisible man. das all. ez pz lmn sqez.
- 8: Emissary. ("WHAT?" ..yeah, I hear ya..) with those boys, it jumps out as a great blood pack scene, but I think it would have looked alright with some hanar tentacles .. maybe even hang the whole thing upside down, too.. I dunno.
so, yup. I guess that's the last we're gonna see of those.. :\