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Been too long since the last one of these.. but, here's a few people who deserve to be getting much more love <3

so, without further ado..

Oldschool inspired, turn-based RPG with gorgeous customizaable spritework characters AND naughty stuff. 

Would be criminal of me to let them go by, so unnoticed -- check them out! 

An interesting little gem here, with an elegant premise..  make garden, get monster girls.  

spent plenty of time playing around with this one. it tickles my dungeon keeper nostalgia, just a teensie bit :P

Get gardening, already! 

You might not know the name, but you -should- know the art.

formerly Gowa-san (yep, the one responsible for Fuck Your Champion.)

Send some love, the real talent deserves it <3 

Excellent 2d spritework, this is a renegade modder who's building something.... FRESH.

right now, you can check out his work on a MonsterGirlQuest game, all inside ... another game :O

this tickles me in all the right places. if you like what I do.. then this is right up your alley!

It's doom.. but SO much more! 

Had my eyes on this one, for a while... the heart of Newgrounds lives on, in this one.

..not entirely sure production is up-and-going, but this one is definitely worth the follow, if you ever loved the golden age of flash. 

Newgrounds here. Support here.

The best 2d artist I've EVER seen. My favorite animator, hands-down.

he's doing pretty well.. but deserves to be doing SO much better. 

Take one look at his Newgrounds page. you'll fall in love, just like I have <3 

Back at it again, hearkening the ol' Legend Of Krystal days with a tasty side-scrolling RPG.

what's old is new, once more! check out the latest release of Furry Fury on his blog and if you like what you see, you might consider funding his alcoholism. :P

sure, they dont -need- the shout-out, but hell if they're not gonna get one!

I've got a soft spot for my old LoK days (feel free to #gamergate me xD)

if you don't know 'em, GET to know 'em!

I, for one, welcome our tentacled overlords.

Pay respects. hail Satan.



Where did GamerGate come from? ._.