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Chapter 47

It looked like Kaen was in Hokage’s office way too much of the late. Well, it will be his office soon, so it was fine. Kaen smiled as the Third Hokage read through the papers he presented him with. It was more than simply evidence that Danzo worked with Orochimaru. The research papers would be enough for everyone to contemn Danzo to death via thousand cuts.

Deplorable experiments on children only scratch the surface of Danzo’s actions. Danzo seemed very keen on human experiments, something he had in common with Orochimaru. Kaen couldn’t wait for the order to kill Danzo. And from the way the Third Hokage let out his bloodlust, Kaen didn’t think he would have to wait for long.

Kaen’s Uchiha blood boiled in anticipation. It demanded revenge, and Kaen had no reason to deny it. Danzo would be the perfect warm-up before he faced Orochimaru. He hasn’t fought an opponent worthy of him for a long time. Kaen is ready to pounce on Danzo the moment the Third Hokage gives him orders to do so.

“And you saying that Orochimaru is planning to kill the Fourth Kazakage to impersonate him so he could get close to me?” The Third Hokage asked. “And Danzo was helping Orochimaru?

“Why else would Danzo have proposed the Land of Wind Daimyo to make such a disadvantageous deal for Suna and Konoha?” Kaen asked back. “It is clear that Danzo was helping Orochimaru manipulate Suna.”

“It seems there is no way to deny Danzo’s involvement anymore,” The Third Hokage calmed down and turned off his bloodlust.

“Give me your orders, Hokage-sama,” Kaen knelt before the Third Hokage. “I will bring him to you, alive or dead.”

“No, there is no need for that,” The Third Hokage’s words shocked Kaen.

“No?” Kaen asked as he stood up. “Are you going to let him go? He isn’t your friend anymore, Hokage-sama. He is trying to kill you to achieve his perverted ideal of the village.”

“Calm down, Kaen,” The Third Hokage said.

“Calm down?” Kaen wasn’t happy with the Third Hokage’s words. “How can I calm down when I bring evidence of his cruel experiments and involvement with Orochimaru? He fucking tried to kill me multiple times and even helped Orochimaru to attack me. And you telling me to let him go?”

“Listen to me, Kaen,” The Third Hokage tried to calm down Kaen, but it didn’t work.

“No, listen to me, Hokage-sama,” Kaen refused to accept this kind of answer. “I have been patient long enough. I had more than a reason to kill him; now I have evidence to prove my reasons. Danzo is going down, even if you can’t accept it.”

“I never said he won’t,” The Third Hokage replied. “But it won’t be you who will take him down.”

“Then who?” Kaen was beyond frustrated.

“I will.”

At that moment, Kaen was reminded why Hiruzen Sarutobi was a Hokage. Even in his old age, the pressure he gave out made Kaen freeze. There was a reason why he was called the God of Shinobi. Kaen could feel that if he fought him now, he wouldn’t be able to win without being willing to sustain severe injuries.

“I apologize for my outburst, Hokage-sama,” Kaen knelt in apology. “But I still would like to know your reasoning.”

“I wish I could leave everything to you, Kaen,” The Third Hokage sighed. “But we need to do it properly. If Danzo and Orochimaru are working together, we must strike them simultaneously. If Danzo is killed, Orochimaru will abandon the plan, and we won’t be able to find him again.”

“So, you want me to strike Orochimaru while you take care of Danzo?” Kaen asked.

“Yes, and I still need Danzo to send his forces out of the village,” The Third Hokage explained himself. “I will not have a civil war in the village. We shall do nothing for now and wait until the third test of Chunin Exams.”

“Very well,” Kaen agreed. “I will prepare myself then.”

It didn’t mean that Kaen liked it. He probably could kill Danzo, and nobody would notice it. But it had its risks, and Kaen could accept that. And Root members posed a problem for the village. There was no need for ANBU and the Root to battle it out when it could be avoided. And since Suna was preparing to fight Konoha, it gave a perfect excuse to send Root to investigate the Land of the Wind and other neighboring nations.

Seeing that there was nothing for Kaen to do now but wait and prepare, he returned home unnoticed by anyone. Even if he trusted Bakeneko to be able to teach Shino well, Kaen knew that Bakeneko was a cat in nature. So, Kaen knew that he would laze around every opportunity he had. Kaen wouldn’t have it. Shino had to win against Sasuke to put him in his place.

There was nothing to do that Sasuke was Kakashi’s student while Shino was his student. No, Kaen only wanted to humble Sasuke so that he wouldn’t be too arrogant in the future. Kaen only wanted what was best for Sasuke, and his pride as a teacher didn’t matter. Maybe a little, but it was still best for Sasuke to face defeat sooner than later.

When Kaen returned home, he saw Shino going through his research on seals while Bakeneko was lying around. Kaen kicked Bakeneko, and seeing him, Bakeneko turned back into his original cat form. Shino was so immersed in his work that he didn’t notice anything, or from the way Shino could barely keep his head up, he was too tired to see anything.

“It is enough for today,” Kaen said. “You won’t learn much in your state; your time would be better spent resting.”

“Sensei?” Shino turned to Kaen.


“Are you all right? For the past few days, you didn’t sound like yourself,” Shino asked.

“I had much to think about,” Kaen replied. “Don’t worry about it.”

“But all you did was lay around and eat,” Shino commented.

“It helps me think,” Kaen replied. “Now, if you still have the energy to question me, maybe we should exercise a bit. What do you think?”

“I should get home. It is late already,” Shino replied.

“Of course you do.”

Kaen watched Shino leave before tidying up his home. It was a mess. Bakeneko didn’t like cleaning up. So, the sink was filled to the brim with dishes, and the floors needed to be swept from all the dust that gathered. And even Kaen’s bed was a mess with cat fur around. Getting an apron, Kaen went to work. How could an Uchiha like him live in a pig pen like this?

After finishing the cleaning, Kaen picked up his research about the cursed seal on Anko’s neck and started going through it again. He felt like he was missing something. There was no perfect seal or jutsu in this world. Everything had some weakness or a way to counter it. Kaen knew he was close to finding it. He just needed a bit more time.

Kaen found himself going through the research the whole night and only getting away from it when Shino came for his training. Kaen needed to listen to his advice sometimes. Not feeling like teaching Shino about seals, he took Shino to the courtyard of his house and had a few spars with Shino. After stretching his muscles, Kaen felt a bit refreshed.

“Your taijutsu has improved a bit,” Kaen commented. “But it is still far from Sasuke’s or KIba’s level. So, don’t try to fight them with only your taijutsu. You will lose.”

“I understand, sensei,” Shino replied with a nod.

“Good. Did you think of what you are going to use against Sasuke?” Kaen asked.

“I wanted to implement sealing jutsu to my insects, but I am still far from it,” Shino replied.

“A good plan,” Kaen agreed with Shino’s thinking. “Keep working on it. I have something to take care of.”

“Yes, sensei,” Shino nodded.

Kaen turned his eyes to an eagle flying above his house. Letting out a sigh, Kaen left his home and followed the eagle. After jumping through the rooftops of Konoha buildings, he found an ANBU waiting for him. Kaen had to hold his thoughts of how incompetent they were as he could guess what happened. But he still had to ask.

“Gaara of the Sand has left his residence,” The ANBU with an eagle mask told me. “We suspect he is looking for Kiba Inuzuka.”

“Do you have eyes on them?” Kaen asked.

“Negative,” The ANBU replied. “Hokage-sama thought it would be best you took care of it. But he instructed that cannot harm Gaara of the Sand, no matter what.”

“Does killing him account as harming him?” Kaen asked.

“Affirmative,” The ANBU replied.

“I say it is a matter of perspective,” Kaen said. “From mine and his perspective, I would be putting him out of his misery. From your perspective, I would be harming him.”

“Do not harm Gaara of the Sand,” The ANBU repeated himself.

Kaen was annoyed at Hokage and the ANBU. What do they take him for? Homicidal maniac? Kaen didn’t take much pleasure in killing. He only liked fighting, and the stronger the opponent, the better the fight. Not replying to the ANBU, Kaen went to the Inuzuka clan compound. Kaen knew Kiba well. The boy didn’t accept defeat easily.

As Kaen expected, he found Kiba training with Hana. It was more an all-out fight than training, but Kaen didn’t judge Hana’s training methods. Looking at Kiba training so hard, Kaen thought he should check on Hinata when he had time. Her father probably trained her, and Kaen wasn’t welcomed to the Hyuga compound.

It didn’t take long before Kaen noticed a kid with red hair sneaking in. The boy was skilled, using his sand eye to observe his surroundings and using shadows to be unnoticed. Too bad, nothing escaped Kaen’s eyes. He found Gaara of the Sand and quickly intercepted the boy before he made his way to the Inuzuka compound.

“Well, hello there,” Kaen said, standing behind Gaara.

“You,” Gaara turned to Kaen, but he didn’t look disturbed.

“Let me guess,” Kaen said before Gaara could say or do anything. “You don’t like that a kid your age has put a bit of fight against you, isn’t that right?”

“It is none of your business,” Gaara replied.

“Weren’t you told to stay at your residence?” Kaen asked.

“You can’t keep me locked as you wish and not tell what happened to Baki,” Gaara said.

“Yes, I can, but that’s not the point,” Kaen replied. “Go back to your siblings.”

“Or what?” Gaara asked, raising his hands.

“I know that people called you a monster for your whole life,” Kaen said before activating his sharingan. “But neither you nor your village has truly seen a true monster yet.”

Looking at Kaen’s eyes, Gaara stepped backward. At least he tried, but he couldn’t move his body. He was bound before Kaen, and only by looking down on his body did he find that his body was wrapped in chains. The world before him disordered as the blue sky turned red, and he looked at Temari’s and Kankuro’s dead bodies next to him. Gaara couldn’t breathe.

“You were instructed not to harm him, Kaen-sama,” A voice broke the genjutsu.

“He is fine,” Kaen let out another sigh. “If you want to prove yourself wait till the next test, Gaara of the Sand. But I will tell you to know that you are nothing but another kid before my eyes.”

Gaara founding himself free, once again managed to calm himself down. He looked at Kaen with mixed emotions varying from hatred to fear. The ANBU nodded to Kaen before he led Gaara back to his residence. Kaen turned to Hana, who had one eye looking at them. Kaen nodded to her that everything was all right and left too.


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