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Chapter 33

The Hokage office was cramped, with Jonin standing before the Third Hokage. It has been a couple of months since the mission in the Land of Waves was over. After interrogating Gato and researching, Kaen gathered the information that Gato had ties with the Land of Lightning. It seemed like the Daimyo of the Land of the Lightning tried to get the Land of the Waves through unconventional means.

Kakashi was still glaring at Kaen; if looks could kill, he would be half-dead. Good thing that Kakashi only glared at him with one of his eyes. Kaen pretended, not knowing why he got an ire of a copy ninja. And it seemed that it only pissed Kakashi more. Asuma looked at both of them with curious eyes, and the Third Hokage had a small smile.

“You should know why you gathered here,” The Third Hokage spoke before Kakashi could kill Kaen. “The Chunin exams are coming and will be held in Konoha. Takes these forms, and if you believe in your teams, fill them out and pass them to me. You have a week.”

“I don’t need a week,” Kaen took the form and fill it in here and now before returning it to the Third Hokage. “My team is best, and I will not hold them back.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to inform your team first?” The Third Hokage asked.

“Unlike the rest of the losers over here,” Kaen replied, motioning to the rest of the jonin. “I trained my team seriously, and they already had many talents, to begin with. They will beat your tests with ease.”

“Is that so?” Kakashi asked.

“How about a bet?” Kaen asked in return. “If one of my students passes the test and becomes a chunin, you will teach me Chidori.”

“And if they not?”

“I will give you the new Icha-Icha book that hasn’t been released yet.”


Kaen smiled at the amused look of the Third Hokage before leaving with everyone else. Even though Kaen was confident after all the training and missions he made his students do, he couldn’t let his guard down. Luck played a significant role in the test. Only a small portion of genin will pass the first test, and an even smaller portion second part of the rest. But Kaen knew that if they could show off their skill on the last test, they undoubtedly would be considered for promotion.

He still had to prepare his team for what was come. Kaen had long since prepared a plan to counter Orochimaru and finally kill that slimy snake. Of course, he didn’t know where he was right now, but he knew where he would be soon. The Forest of Death will be the death of Orochimaru.

But one couldn’t fight on an empty stomach, so Kaen went to find lunch, and then he had to find his students. It was always fun to ruin their days when they thought of having a day off. They should have learned by now that there was no such thing as a day off and a shinobi should always be ready for the worst. And the worst they needed to be prepared for was him.

Kaen walked to his favorite restaurant to get his favorite food. He didn’t expect to meet one of his few friends inside and didn’t expect her to call him to sit with her. Kaen nodded to Anko as he sat and looked at the other person sitting before her: Kurenai Juhi, Mistress of Genjutsu. Kaen had to admit he was pretty jealous of her talent in genjutsu. While he was pretty good at it, it was only because of his eyes and bloodline. Otherwise, at best, he would be mediocre.

“Hello,” Kaen simply nodded to Kurenai, who did the same.

“Hey,” Anko got Kaen’s attention. “I was just talking with Kurenai and wanted to ask if you have more special edition books.”

“I might have,” Kaen replied as his food was delivered. “But why would you need it?”

“Firstly, how can you eat this?” Anko put on a disgusting face looking at four plates with Okonomiyaki.

“At least I don’t eat sweets like you,” Kaen looked at dango before Anko. “So why do you need it?”

“It isn’t for me. It is for Kurenai,” Anko proclaimed.

“Anko!” Kurenai looked flustered.

“Oh?” Kaen looked confused for a moment for realized something. “You want to prank someone.”

“Ah? Yeah,” Kurenai still looked flustered. “Why not?”

“You should just have said it,” Kaen took one of the sealing scrolls from his jacked before unsealing a book and giving it to Kurenai. “But if it isn’t too much to ask, can I have a favor from you?”

“Ah, sure.”

“I would like you to teach one of the students a bit of genjutsu. She had great control of her chakra, and she is brilliant, but unlike you, my genjutsu skill are coming from my eyes, so I can’t teach her much.”

“I am sure I can find some time to lend to your student,” Kurenai said without hesitation. “I always wanted to train someone. Too bad I didn’t get a team this year.”

“Yeah, it is so fun torturing these naïve, unexpected children,” Kaen smiled, understanding what Kurenai meant.

“You meant training, right?” Both Anko and Kurenai looked at me suspiciously.

“Yeah,” Kaen replied with an innocent smile. “Why not?”

“Well, listen there, whelps,” Kaen looked at his students, and he felt proud. Even if it was technically their day off from how they looked, they trained by themselves and did it with great resolve. From bruises and sweat, they probably spared with each before Kaen found them. “This is Kurenai and Anko. Treat them like you treat me.”

“With fear?” Kiba asked.

“Very funny,” Kaen didn’t smile. “It is so funny that you will not have dinner today. Now listen, I have registered you for chunin exams.”

“Chunin exams?” Hinata asked nervously.

“Are we ready?” Shino asked calmly.

“If you do not, then it means I haven’t trained you hard enough,” Kaen answered.

“We are ready!” All three of them replied.

“I thought so, but it will not hurt to be prepared a bit more before the exam,” Kaen said. “Kiba, you will train with Anko for a week. Hinata Kurenai promised to teach you for a week too. Be thankful and listen to every word they say.”

“Yes, sensei,” Kiba and Hinata replied, looking at their respectful teachers.

“What about me?” Shino asked.

“You will be with me. You will have all my time for yourself,” Kaen replied, a sinister smile on his lips.

“Can you find me another teacher, sensei?” Shino looked nervous, with sweat dropping on his forehead.

“Why? It sounds like you do not like spending a whole week with me alone.”

“Of course not, sensei,” Shino’s voice was trembling. “I just thought you might like a week off from your foolish students and let someone else take over.”

“Do not worry about me,” Kaen replied. “And it is time I teach about sealing to you. No one else besides the Third Hokage knows more about sealing, so you stuck with me.”

Kurenai and Anko got their students for the week and left to teach them. Kaen asked to teach Kiba about survival to Kiba, as he was the worst when it came to it. On one last mission, he didn’t bring enough food and had to resort to what nature could give. Ultimately, he ended up eating whatever he found and got sick.

Hinata and Shino have learned the basics from their clans, so Kaen wasn’t worried about them. Kiba, on the other, didn’t care to learn such things, and no matter how good his nose was, it wasn’t flawless. Kaen usually would dump a sack of books for Kiba to read about the wildlife, but he knew that it would be more torture to him than any training Kaen cooked up.

Kaen knew that Shino was smart, but not this smart. He was like a sponge and grasped the theory of fuinjutsu in no time. Kaen knew that Shino had been studying independently since he sealed his bugs, but he had already learned the basics. Kaen never felt such satisfaction in teaching fuinjutsu.

Fuinjutsu was always something that Kaen took great pride in. Most of his jutsu he copied, and aside from archery, fuinjutsu was something of his own. Something he spent countless hours researching and learning and experimenting with. Having someone to teach it to felt good.

It did help that Shino seemed very interested in it and wanted to learn. He asked many questions, and when Kaen told him that anything could be sealed, for the first time, he could see Shino exited. It was the same for Kaen. The more he learned about fuinjutsu, the more interesting it became, and the more he wanted to learn.

“Good. Once you perfect your calligraphy, you won’t have any trouble using the basic sealing techniques.”

“Thank you, sensei,” Shino said.

“You already learned how to undo some of the seals, so I am not surprised that you learn so fast, but don’t let it get into your head. Fuinjutsu is endless. You will never master it. The more you know, the less you will understand.”

“Got it, sensei,” Shino didn’t keep his eyes away from Kaen’s journal about fuinjutsu.

“Good. I will teach you summoning seal if your performance is satisfying in Chunin exams.”

“Thank you, sensei.”

Kaen liked Shino’s straightforwardness. Even though Shino could hold a grudge, most of the time, he was calm and collected. He didn’t complain much and endured everything thrown at him. Kaen felt pride swell within him. Just like Sasuke showed his progress, so did his students. Before he could realize it, he started caring for the brats.

Kaen still remembered when he hated Itachi and Sasuke. He knew what they would do in the future, so he was biased. He blamed Sasuke’s existence for what he had to endure and was envious of him. He wanted a family even if he never admitted it, nor will he ever will. Most of the time, he felt alone, stuck in an unfamiliar place where everyone looked at him like prey.

Kaen was scared. Even at that time, he didn’t realize it. After all, knowing what would come and what kind of monsters he would go against made him afraid. It was one of the reasons why he trained so much and always tried to keep a calm façade. He tricked himself so that he wouldn’t be so afraid.

Now he started to care about the people around him. Even if he will never admit it, Hana was his first true friend. Shisui was like a brother to him, even though he knew he couldn’t do much for him. Kaen felt guilty for his demise. He always wondered if he had made the right choice to hide his skills. Maybe if he had participated in the clan meetings, he could have changed his destiny. Perhaps he should have accepted the training from the elders. Maybe he could have changed their minds about the coup if he had done so.

The regret and self-loathing persisted even if Kaen tried to ignore them. But now, having friends and students, even Sasuke was like a little brother to him now, and Naruto was like a nephew. He will not make the same mistake. He will kill Orochimaru. He will defeat the Akatsuki and create a village where history won’t repeat itself.

But for now, he will train his students to be their best. For Kaen knew the battles ahead would be tough, he would not let them die. They will be the future of the village and the whole shinobi system. And Kaen knew that they would make him proud as they already did. It doesn’t mean he will not torture for his amusement.



Has Kaen learned Sage Mode?? If he is an expert in Sealing arts and he learns Sage mode he can store sage energy in seals around his body and release them when he needs to enter sage mode. I know he has cat suommons but does he have Toad ones? I wonder if seeing Sasuke get hurt is what will be what awakens him Mangkeyo