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Chapter 30

It was clear that the Hyuga clan didn’t like Kaen much. It was expected after what he had said about the clan previously. But not everyone was darting piercing eyes at him. From a few branch family members he met, Kaen would notice admiration and hope. Hiashi had a reason for his plan, after all.

It was only a matter of time before the branch family was fed up with the treatment they were receiving. One only needed to find a way to nullify the effects of the seal on their foreheads for them to rise against the main family. It was one thing to seal the eyes, so they didn’t get into enemy hands, but another to use the seals to suppress them.

“My daughter has come home with a few bruises,” Hiashi said as he poured tea into Kaen’s cup before doing the same to his.

“What else can you expect from training?” Kaen asked, taking a sip of tea.

“As you might have noticed, my eldest daughter isn’t too fond of fighting,” Hiashi said. “Sometimes I wonder if she isn’t too kind for his world.”

“There are ways to change kindness to fearsomeness,” Kaen said.

“But I do not wish for that,” Hiashi replied. “There is a reason I asked the Third Hokage to put my daughter in a team under you.”

“As I suspected,” Kaen lied. He didn’t think anything of it, only a prank from the Hokage.

“My daughter might find it easier to hurt others with a ranged weapon.”

“So unlike the Hyuga clan,” Kaen commented. “But not unreasonable. With her eyes, she might surpass me in archery one day.”

“I couldn’t ask for more,” Hiashi replied.

“She is my student, so I have no problem passing some of my skills to her,” I said. “But it will be up to her to learn them.”

“Thank you for your consideration,” Hiashi said as he finished his tea.

“Welcome,” Kaen replied. “But was it the only reason you wanted to meet me?”

“I was a pretext,” Hiashi said, then slid a paper into Kaen’s hands. “This the reason I wanted to meet you.”

“It is the seal,” Kaen commented.

“It took some secrecy to smuggle it unnoticed,” Hiashi said. “Eves, as the clan head, I can’t do much when elders band together. And they don’t like anyone learning of the seal, especially when it isn’t one of their own.”

“It is a complicated seal,” Kaen said after looking over it. “But nothing I can’t handle with time.”

“I want seal only to seal our eyes and nothing else,” Hiashi said.

“Admirable,” Kaen responded. “But it isn’t all I want.”

“And what do you want?”

“Let’s say that the system of clans is outdated,” Kaen said before standing up and beginning to walk away. “I don’t think there is any need for it to exist any longer. By the way, the tea was disgusting.”

Kaen left afterward. He was thinking a lot of the late what new policies he would enact once he was the next Hokage. The first one would be to abolish the clans. Kaen thought it was better for all citizens to have equal privileges and rights. He was sick of the rules and laws among the clans.

Now with Senju and Uchiha clans almost gone, the only big clan was Hyuga, with rigid rules and laws within the clan. There wasn’t much use in leaving the clans to operate independently. It would be better for everyone if they integrated with the rest of the civilian families.

That way, not only would it be harder for the bloodline to die, but it would also spread it and create unique shinobi. And it would give freedom for the clan members to choose how to live, not be restricted by old traditions. Kaen hoped that Hiashi could see it that way, too, as he knew that he was sick of the traditions as he was.

“What are you looking at, brat?” Kaen asked as he noticed Neji staring at him.

“You hurt Hinata-sama,” The boy replied.

“And?” Kaen was annoyed by the brat.

“I will not let her get hurt,” He said, and Kaen only laughed at the ridiculous statement before he walked past Neji and left the Hyuga clan.

After a week of a brutal regiment of training and working, Kaen found his team finally broken and grumbled. Shino looked at Kaen like he would stab him at any moment. It was a better look than the vacant one he had when he couldn’t have his bugs. It took some time, but he started to talk and interact with the team more.

Hunger and anger made Kiba quite fearsome. He discarded the traditional taijutsu style and returned to the unpredictable and instinct-based type. His bloodlust was impressive for someone who hadn’t killed anyone yet. Kaen noticed how Kiba studied and stalked him like he was his prey.

Even after a week of being beaten and exhausted from work, Hinata didn’t let go of her hesitation. It seemed that her kind nature was stronger than Kaen expected. At least Kaen was sure that Hinata was strong-willed. So, he decided to teach her some of his archery skills and medical jutsu. Kaen believed that Hinata would be a great medical-nin.

After observing them for a week, Kaen could make a training plan. Chunin exams should begin in five or so months. It was too little time to prepare them for it and expect them to be promoted, but not an impossible task. Especially when he knows what will happen, Kaen has to plan to ensure the same fate doesn’t occur.

“When will you get that seal of me?” Kiba asked, annoyed. “I can hardly eat when I smell so little.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Kaen asked with a smile.

Kaen only heard a low growl before he was back to work. But Kaen saw some light pass through Shino’s eyes as he suddenly stopped and looked at Kaen. Shino was quite intelligent and observant. He quickly caught his words and understood their meaning. He was sure he would tell his teammates when they were alone.

The seals weren’t that complex and could be worked around with little studying. Kaen would be glad if they learned the basics on their own. Seals will only help them later; as they did that, Kaen would think of other more pressing matters, like how to kill Danzo before the Chunin exams.

Shino didn’t like his sensei. He didn’t like much of anything. But he never thought he would hate someone like his sensei. When his insects left him, he felt lonely for the first time. That seal was the bane of his existence. He had to find a way to break it. Yet even in the loneliness, he learned to rely on his friends.

Kiba, like himself, hated Kaen-sensei. Only Hinata didn’t say or do anything to indicate she didn’t like their sensei. Still, he finds fondness in her kindness in her defending the decisions their sensei made. And even though Shino knew what Kaen-sensei did was for their good, as he learned not to rely on his insects, he missed them. They were his friends.

“So? How do we find a way to break the seal?” Kiba asked after Shino had explained his plan.

“Library?” Hinata asked.

Shino nodded. It would be a good start. They had to work together to make this happen. Shino didn’t know much about seals, nor did Kiba or Hinata, so they had to work together to learn more about it. Shino could already tell how much time they would spend in the library to do their research, but somehow he didn’t mind if it meant they had to work together.

Kaen could admit that he wasn’t good at teamwork. He had only worked and fought in one team. So, when he needed advice, he would go to his friends and, more likely than not, to his first friend. Yugao was always hardworking. When she didn’t have to attend her duty as ANBU, she would be training and honing her skills.

Kaen waited patiently as she sparred with Hayate Gekko. Kaen knew little about the special jonin, only that he was skilled in kenjutsu. Yugao’s eyes were fierce and focused as she deflected and counterattacked with her sword. Kaen knew well that Yugao was good, but it wasn’t enough for her to defeat Hayate, who could easily predict her movements.

“Knee him in the balls,” Kaen said as the two clashed their swords, not letting either go.

They knew of him being there but didn’t react, as Kaen didn’t interrupt them. So, they didn’t even flinch when he spoke, but Hayate quickly retreated, seeing Yugao’s eyes flash at Kaen’s idea. Kaen smiled a bit at Hayate’s glare that promised murder. Yugao gave him a smile before sheathing her sword, and Hayate followed suit.

“What brings you here?” Yugao asked.

“Wanted to invite you for lunch,” Kaen replied, then turned to Hayate. “You joining?”

“I will have to pass,” Hayate replied.

Kaen didn’t react to the refusal and waited until they said goodbye before leading Yugao to a restaurant. Once they started eating, Kaen began to ask questions about team formations and so on. In the end, he only learned that one only needed to trust their teammate for them to work together well. Everything else will fall into place with the experience.

“So, Hayate Gekko?” Kaen asked when they started to order drinks.

“What about him?” Yugao didn’t seem to be fazed.

“I saw how he looks at you.”

“He is only my instructor in kenjutsu,” Yugao laughed nervously. “Nothing else. Don’t look into it.”

“If you say so,” Kaen smiled.

“What about you?” Yugao asked. “Is there someone else in your life? It has been some time since we met last time.”

“With my trust issues?” Kaen asked.

“Oh, you know you have some issues, that first step.”

“And last for me, in the long run, I will not worry about someone betraying me and stabbing me in the back or when I am sleeping,” Kaen replied. “But no, there isn’t someone in my life, as you said. I will only let my cat sleep in my bed with me.”

“You never change,” Yugao sighed. “How is your team?”

“Bunch of brats that don’t know despair,” Kaen replied. “But I like them. They have some spunk. They will be great shinobi once I am finished with them.”

“Is that so?”

“Well, at least it is entertaining to watch them squirm and struggle under me,” Kaen let out a sinister laugh.

“Be nice,” Yugao hit Kaen’s head. “They’re just kids.”

Kaen laughed at that. He wanted to say they were shinobi, but he agreed. Even though Yugao was a bit too kind, Kaen could see her point. His team had stayed in the village for their lifetime. All they knew of the outside world was what they heard from their clans. And knowing how arrogant some clans can be, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they believed the world already belonged to them.

He could confess that he was harsh on his team, but he started liking them and didn’t want them to die a meaningless death. After finishing their lunch, Kaen asked for the bill. Kaen laughed hard when he found Sasuke’s scowl as he gave Kaen the bill. Sasuke looked funny in the restaurant uniform. From the kitchen, he heard Naruto cursing.



Kaen still hasn’t awakened his mangekyou sharingan yet right? When he does what will he’s powers be?


Still thinking about it, one ability will probably be "fujin" making Kaen so fast that he might seem to teleport. or straight-up teleportation in a short distance