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The end of the tourney

Tyrion POV

It was the third day of the tourney, yesterday the joust has ended with ser Barristan winning. Lord Yohn Royce took second place. Today was supposed to be melee, but with the death of three Freys, no one knew what will happen next.

Lord Hoster Tully has left for Riverrun because he has gotten sick. It was remarkable how ser Edmure Tully kept his calm. Talking to his guest and assuring everyone that the tourney will continue.

Looking at everyone in the dining hall, I saw tension rising. While some ate their breakfast in silence, most whispered about what has happened in the past couple of days. Some said it was just a coincidence that three heirs died. Others were thinking that Black Walder has killed them to inherit the Twins. Another group blamed the Lannisters that we wanted for Emmon Frey to get the Twins. The last group whispered about the ghosts that wander in the halls.

As I ate in silence, I thought if maybe it was my father who was responsible. It wouldn’t be out of reason. Well, someone was getting rid of the Freys, that for sure. While thinking about it, I heard a crash of plates and angry voices.

“It was you? Trying to take the Twins for yourself,” Black Walder says to Emmon Frey. “Well, you won’t have it while I am alive.”

“Well, it is convenient that you are alive while your brother and others in front of you in the line are dead,” Emmon replies.

They yelled at each other for some time. I wouldn’t be surprised if these Freys killed each other right now, right here. As the arguing intensified, ser Edmure stood up.

“Enough,” He says. “I don’t care about your family’s problems, but I won’t tolerate any fighting while you are in my hospitality. I have sent for the lord Walder Frey to come here and take care of this nonsense at once.”

With these words, everyone quiets down. It seems Tullys won’t take any sides and let them deal with it on their own.

At the end of the day, it seems everyone has calmed down. The melee ended with Lord Yohn's victory and the archery with someone from the Dorne taking the first place. Ser Edmure didn’t participate in any competition. It wasn’t surprising when you think about it. Without his father, he had to entertain the King and other lords.

The feast at the end of the day was in honor of winners. Ser Edmure himself gave out the rewards, congratulating them. In the next few days, there would be festivities and celebrations. After all that it would be time for the Wedding.

All sounded good and all, but I couldn’t help but feel the dread coming. With three in line to the Twins dead, someone will have to fill that position. Black Walder is the apparent heir, but Emmon would have my father’s support.

Not speaking of what Tullys would do, I didn’t like how calm ser Edmure was. If the war broke between Freys, it would be within the rights for Tullys to do as they must. After all, it was Tully's duty to keep the peace.

Arianne POV

The days went more peacefully after the tourney. Edmure has planned that there will be three days of the tourney and three days of festivities on the seventh day we would marry. It was the second day of festivities. I couldn’t help but wonder how my life will change. After all, in two days, I will be married.

Father has told her that I would stay in the Riverrun for the coming years. It would be bad if people were wondering what I was doing in the Dorne without my husband. So until my father can no longer rule, I am to stay and bear children.

It might seem tedious when I was younger, but now, it didn't seem that bad after spending more than a month with Edmure. I grew to like him. After my father agreed to marry me, I was forbidden to have any lovers. The only things I knew about the opposite sex came from Nymeria, and she wasn’t that experienced herself.

“Princess, you look beautiful as always,” Edmure tells me as we walk to the hall.

“Thank you, ser,” I reply with a smile.

“I hope the past few days didn’t ruin your mood?” He asks me with a concerned voice.

“I don’t care for some Freys. You don’t have to worry,” I answer him.

“Good, it might become more complicated, so I hope you don’t think too bad about my vassals,” He tells me.

More complicated? I wonder what he meant by it.

Edmure POV

Finally, the time has come. I stood there waiting for Princess Arriane to be led by Prince Doran. The sept at Harrenhal was one of the biggest in the Riverlands. I convinced the high Septon to sponsor it himself, so rebuilding it didn’t cost much.

The Septon said his prayers. Princess Arianne and I told our vows. After Prince Doran removed the orange cloak from Arianne, I put my house blue and red on her.

“With this kiss, I pledge my love,” We both say at the same time.

“… and take you for my lord and husband,” She continues.

“… and take you for my lady and wife,” I repeat.

“They are of one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever,” The Septon declares after our kiss.

The singing was loud, but sometimes the King would be even louder. After the ceremony, the feast followed. Most already have forgotten about the past few days of the tragedy. As the ale and wine flowed to their minds, nobody cared of what will happen with the Freys.

“Ed, sorry for being late,” Patrek tells me after getting close to me. “Congratulations, I hope both of you live long and have many children.”

“Thank you, ser Patrek,” Arianne replies.

“If you don’t mind, princess, I would like to talk with my friend for a bit,” I say to her. “It has been a long time since we last met.”

“Of course, I wanted to speak with my father anyway,” She agrees and leaves us alone.

“How did it go?” I asked in a low voice so that nobody would hear me.

“The news will come soon,” He answers in the same low voice. “The bandits attacked them and left for the west. Everyone who traveled with Lord Frey is dead, an easy target for the bandits.”

“I see,” I respond and end our conversation.

The next day everyone will hear the news. Black Walder won’t feel safe and blame the deaths on Emmon. There will be few Freys who take the side of Emmon. Black Walder will have to deal with him. Lannisters will get involved, and when the chaos reached its peak, I will set the peace. At the end of this conflict, the Twins will fall.

The following day I got up before the sun had started to rise. Leaving Arianne, who is sleeping peacefully in the bed alone. Soon the news about Lord Walder's death will spread. I didn’t expect Ryman Frey to die. At worst, he should be crippled, then it would complicate the situation more. Well, I expected that not all plans will go accordingly.

Black Walder will blame the Lannisters for getting more support from his family. I have to wait and see how Emmon Frey will react. Will Lannisters use this opportunity to get the Twins? Maybe they won’t get involved any further. It would be better for me if they got involved. I have done too much for this plan to fail.

The rumors will spread like wildfire. Some will blame Black Walder, some will blame Emmon Frey and Lannisters. If it goes according to my plan, I won’t even need to get involved personally. In any way, there will be some chaos in The Riverlands.

Deciding it would be better for my sister and her children to leave for North, I went to her. On the way, I saw that both Robb and Jon were up and training. I didn’t interrupt them as they sparred with each other. After the spar was done, I came to greed them.

“Uncle,” Robb calls out for me once he sees me.

“Ser Edmure,” Jon greets me more reserved.

“I see the little wolf pups are up and training,” I say with a smile.

“I want to be a great fighter like you, uncle,” Robb tells me with innocent eyes.

“You will be better than me. People will call you the Red Wolf once you start to tear up your opponents,” I reply to him. “Is your mother up?”

“She was still asleep when we got out,” He answers.

“Well, I could wait for her to show up. Until then, how about I show you, boys, some moves?” I ask.

“We would love to,” Robb answers, and I just rub his head.

“How about you both attack me?” I ask and pick up a wooden sword.

For nine name days old boys, they fight pretty well. Jon is fast and skillful, Robb is strong and forceful. They both compliment each other, cover their weak points. After few dozen exchanges, they got out of breath.

“It won’t be long before you both become fearsome fighters, renowned in the real,” I compliment them. “You know my friend Patrek doesn’t have a squire as of now, and I promised to find a knight for you to squire Jon. I should ask him to take you.”

“Thank you, ser Edmure,” Jon replies uncertainly.

“Don’t worry, both of you should say your goodbyes to your siblings. Soon they will have too leave to North.” I tell Jon.

“We are leaving so soon?” Robb asks.

“Yes, that is why I have come to see your mother,” I answer.

With those words I left them, the sun is up already. Cat should be awake.

Tyrion POV

Everywhere you go, you could hear people talk about Lord Walder’s death. They accusing either Emmon Frey and Lannisters or Black Walder. With every moment, it becomes more complicated. I have gone to find my brother and ask him about the situation. Jaime was going to find aunt Genna when I met him.

“Jaime, what is king going to do with this situation?” I asked.

“Nothing, he said it was just family squabbles. They should clear it themselves,” Jaime answers

“What do you think our father will do?” I asked.

“I hope nothing, but we both know he will use this to get the Twins,” He answers with a disappointed voice.

We were interrupted by shouting voices as we got closer to the Freys. It was Black Walder who led this argument again.

“You will pay for what you have done,” Black Walder says.

“What have I done? Don’t be ridiculous. We both know it was you who killed them,” Emmon replies. “All of the people there know what kind of person you are.”

“You dare. We all know how Lannisters want the Twins and how you are just a puppet for them to control,” Black Walder yells. “You damn kinslayer, I should just cut you down now and there.”

“You can try,” Emmon puts his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Enough, if anyone wants to fight, they can fight me,” Edmure Tully tells them after showing out of nowhere. “I had enough of you damn Freys. Lord Walder, as you are now the new Lord, you should take your men and leave. I got tired of this accident.”

“Accident? Maybe my brother's and nephew's deaths might be accidents, but I saw children running the stairs of the five towers every morning for days, and nothing happened to them.  But a grown man has somehow fallen,” Emmon responds.

“So you blame Lord Walder here for the death of his own brother?” Edmure asks.

“Nonsense, how about we talk about the bandits. Coming from the west to attack your father and then fleeing back to the west,” Black Walder replies.

“I have enough of both of you. You both will leave before sunset, it invited you to celebrate my wedding, and this is what I got,” Edmure says with an angry voice. “You are lord of the Twins no Walder, you better deal with this, or I make sure there are no Twins afterward.”

With those words, he turns and leaves. Well, it seems he doesn’t want to get involved.


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