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We made it to February! Woo! 🥳 Man, January felt long around here…not all bad but, you know, not all good either. Life, right? I hope whatever the transition of the months brought for you, that there was some ease there. May we all be blessed with a bit more ease!

Anyway, this is a VERY chatty update so if you’d prefer the TLDW, read on instead…

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. The bonus videos continue again this week, this time with a proper Craft and Chat. I really want to get my 2024 vision board put together and I just know if I don’t do it now (with a deadline!), it ain’t gonna happen. So, let’s vision board together! Proper craft with me process video coming at you likely this Wednesday if not for sure by Thursday for those interested 👩‍🎨
  2. It’s favorites time! I’m sharing my Winter Favorites for our community exclusive video this Friday. Since I’ve been home so much more recently, I have quite a few cozy comforts to share! I love talking favorites with you 😁
  3. Monthly charity draw will happen next week. If you have any suggestions to add to the drawing jar, let me know in a comment ❤️
  4. I’m planning our February livestream for Valentine’s Day! Let’s take a holiday I have a grudge against and spend it together to turn it into something fun. I’ll post a poll with time options over the weekend 💘
  5. I’m getting to the point where the scales are tipping in fear vs curiosity when it comes to testing out a meetup situation. I’m interested in any ideas you might have for something low-key to start - runDisney weekends might be the best for that, but I know that’s pretty specific and I’m guessing not many could come. I’m open to suggestions! 🤗

I am, as always and even more so now, so very grateful for each and every one of you. Even if you’re a silent member (I’m one of those types, too), your presence matters and means so much to me. Thank you for being here, for choosing to be in community with me, and to helping make the WWC such a beautiful space. Big love to you all! 💞



Barb B.

What is DMB?

Karen S

Hey Jen! I will be at Princess weekend! Hope all works out for you to be able to attend! 💙