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Hey, Wonderers! I’m back with another random chatty update 😜 This being January and all, naturally I got sucked into starting new projects, despite being anti “resolutions” in recent years. When the motivation hits, we ride that wave, no matter how cliche! In all seriousness, though, I am enjoying my recent foray into projects, both old and new, and they’re breathing life into me at the moment. I’d love to hear about any January projects you’ve embarked on (or hope to, January or not!), if you care to share ❤️

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. We had our January Live last week, which was so, so fun. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy these hangouts. They make me so happy to be able to connect with you in this way! If you missed it and want to see what we chatted about, you can catch the replay here ❄️
  2. I thought I’d pop another bonus video in this week with an informal Craft & Chat (or Craft Chat - still not sure how this will unfold). I’m going to share the memory projects I’m working on currently and *maybe* we’ll do a little crafting together (no promises on that tho).  We’ll see where the wind blows me! Hoping to have this up on Wednesday for those you like the crafty bits ✂️
  3. For Friday’s community exclusive video, I’m going to finalize the Christmas storage. I’ve got a fire under my tushy to get this done, because I know it’s now or not until I decide to procrastinate on it again next Christmas. We’ll go to the Container Store and see what, if any, holiday storage they might have left and then we’ll get those trees and everything sorted and see if it all fits in the basement closet I showed in my last vlog. Let’s do this! 💪

I’m looking forward to connecting more with you this week. Thank you so much for being here. It truly means the world to me. We’re better together! Sending you all so much love 💞

❤️, Jen



Lisa Blondell

I feel ya on the whole bedroom in the basement thing, but where there’s a will there’s a way lol!

Tammy Kramer

Just curious, which 29029 did you like better?

With Wonder

Ooh, that's a tough one to answer, Tamara. They were both equally impactful although very different. If I had to pick just one tho I'd go back to Whistler. You just can't beat that BC beauty! Although the Teton's are not too shabby either 😉 Hard to go wrong! 🏔️