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Good morning, my fabulous friends! How are you? Did you find any nuggets of magic over the weekend? We had a snow day on Friday here which was fun for about 30 minutes until the power went out 🥶 I was able to raise morale quickly and we hunkered down in the family room by the fire for most of the day and worked on our latest Lego project - the Disney 100 castle! It turned into a very cozy kind of day, which I absolutely love. Fortunately, our power was restored in time for the arctic freeze that’s gripping much of the country right now. I really hope you all are staying warm out there! 🩵

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m aiming to host our monthly livestream this Thursday, January 18th, probably around midday to early afternoon. Even though that's a narrow window, I’ll still put out a poll as I usually do (likely tomorrow) and we’ll decide on the exact time together. I can’t wait to hang out with you again! 😁
  2. I’m taking it WAY back to a good ol’ planner setup for this week’s community exclusive video on Friday. I’ll share my current system as well as my journals since they’re (mostly) designed to all go together now for transportability. I’m really excited about this one! You can take a girl out of the planner content creation realm but you can’t take the planner out of the girl. Or something like that 😉

I’m wishing you a beautiful week ahead teeming with pockets of joy, love, peace, and magic, wherever you can find them. Sending so much love!

❤️, Jen




Hi Jen, I hope you are well. You seem out of sorts and a bit off lately. The weather, family and just coming off of the holidays probably keeping things a little bit off is my guess. Hopefully the sun will shine and you will find your inner joy and that spark will come back.....I do enjoy your updates and videos. Cant help but feel a bit concerned for you though. All the best to you and your sweet kids. Looking forward to the calendar/planner series.....I've been around for awhile and have always enjoyed your organizing and planner ideas.

Jana B.

I do project life religiously. It is one of my favorite albums to look through, because I include all the day to day stuff.

With Wonder

Hi Suzanne! Thanks for your concern, I appreciate your care! I'm doing ok, really...just navigating a tough season for personal reasons but aren't we all at some point or another. So grateful for this community as a source of joy right now and always! Hope you and yours are well 💕

With Wonder

So awesome! I'm back in it and HOOKED! Let's hope I can stick with it. I totally agree with you on the day to day stuff. That is the stuff of LIFE! 👌