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It’s that time again! Every year around this time I look forward to reflecting on what was and sharing about my priorities (and hopes!) for what’s next. I would love to hear from you if you carry a word of the year or just want to share some reflections and/or priorities of your own in the comments. I am absolutely delighted to be ringing in a second new year with the WWC and am so excited to spend 2024 together. We are better together, friends. Lots of love and good health to you and yours 💕


Ali Edwards One Little Word https://bit.ly/47iFbpb

Elizabeth Gilbert Letters From Love https://bit.ly/3roZqmg

Colleen Attara Studio https://bit.ly/3pOdNfR

* Description contains affiliate links. This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. *




Hi! New to the friendship here, but I’ve followed you on YT before CC was born. So happy I decided to follow you here. I agree with the weirdness of this year. Really can’t explain. My word for the year was bold. I definitely had to work on that. I’m continuing that and my new word is listen. I wish you and your kiddos the best in this new year! ❤️

Nana Annie

My one little word for this year is listen! Kinda cool we chose the same. Welcome to the group!


My word last year was Hope. I chose Joy this year but Courage also wants to be my word so I’m choosing both for 2024.

With Wonder

I love that! Who says it can just be one word? My WOTY often has companion words, too. Wishing you all the best on your 2024 journey ❤️