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Season’s Greetings, my friends! It’s *that* time of year (and I finally remembered where this line comes from - the Frozen holiday special with Olaf’s song ⛄️)…we’re in it now! Haul out the holly 😉 I’m so looking forward to getting festive with you for these last 5 (‼️) weeks of the year.

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Back to regular travel vlogs this week with a flashback to September when I traveled to Whistler (yay for more Canada time!) to volunteer at the 29029 Everlasting challenge there. It was such a lovely trip and a really fulfilling experience. I mostly filmed my time off the mountain but share a few little snippets of my experience there, too. Unfortunately, this was back when the mic was still quite new to me and I’m missing huge chunks of audio 🤦‍♀️ I’ll do what I can in the edit to make it work, but I apologize if it’s a little less chatty than my usual. Early access will be available to you on Wednesday if you’d like to tag along 🏔️
  2. We’re kicking off December with my annual holiday home decor tour! I feel like you’ve seen most of this as I tend to repeat things from year to year and have shared quite a bit in videos already, but it wouldn’t feel right to carry on without this tradition. Check back on Friday for this community exclusive video 🎄
  3. Friendly reminder that Vlogmas starts next week. My plan is to drop the weekly vlogs on Tuesday. I’ll let you know if that changes. I’m still planning to post our usual weekly content as well and I have a full YouTube lineup planned for the month so that means 4 videos a week here in the WWC. Here we go! 😁

Like I said in the video, here’s to riding out the rest of this year with as much joy, kindness, and love as we can muster. Grab your yule fuel and giddyup! It’s the holiday season 😎 Sending you all so much love!

❤️, Jen



Angela R

Cece is so big and so beautiful. 😊


Hi Jen! I can so relate to loving my family and excited for when they leave! 😂… I host frequently and have quite a large family. As everyone has grown it has gotten overwhelming at times. The support is there though and my mom has worked so hard in that same capacity in hosting all of us for years, but I’m still tired. This year I did Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Among my siblings, we are sharing the responsibility(not how it rolled this year though). Thanksgiving and Christmas Day this year kind of did me in. I hear you between what you shared today and in your November vlog. I could not get the good vibes for Christmas this year. I was trying so hard but never really got there. I gave myself some grace though and it’s all good. I recognize that we are all so imperfect (all families) and we just keep trying each day to love each other. But there is definitely importance in guarding yourself as well!!! I’m still learning and I honestly have learned a lot from your journey and reflections so thank you. (((HUGS)))💘

With Wonder

Thank you so much for sharing some of your experience with us. So many feel the same - we're definitely not alone in these feelings! For me it feels significant to even allow myself to recognize them. That's the first step and it's tough! Kudos to you for recognizing this for yourself, too 💕