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Hello, my loves! This video is a bit all over the place, which is exactly how I feel lately. I’m doing my best to stay tethered during tense times and looking carefully for the good wherever I can find it. I hope some good is finding its way to you. There is so much beauty even amidst immense heartbreak. And time marches on no matter what we’re feeling. I’m looking forward to witnessing my kiddos delight in Halloween and then hoping to lean into some frivolous fun myself at Walt Disney World later this week for the runDisney Wine & Dine festivities. I’d love to know where you’re leaning in if you care to share 🎃

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m taking the week off posting on YouTube this week. I talk a bit more in the video about my seasonal YouTube breaks and thoughts about what might be coming down the road in terms of how I post if you’d like to hear more. Friendly reminder that weekly YouTube videos are not a guaranteed part of the community, but early access to them whenever available is. Don’t worry, I have absolutely no plans to take breaks for our weekly updates and/or community exclusive videos here 😅
  2. In fact, there’s going to be MORE content coming at you this December as I’ve decided to go ahead with Vlogmas again. Like last year I will continue to post my Friday community exclusives throughout December but there will be an additional Vlogmas vlog every week that month, probably dropping on Tuesdays. Just want to let you know it’s coming! 🎄
  3. I’m hoping to send Holiday Cards again like last year, but need to sit down and figure out the logistics of that. Stay tuned for more details coming soon 💌
  4. I’m planning a travel day vlog for our community exclusive video this Friday, filming on Wednesday as I make my way to WDW. But, it will be no ordinary travel vlog (hopefully!) as I have very fun plans at the end of the day that I’m hoping I make it in time for. Any guesses? 😉
  5. I’m hosting our November Live this Saturday, November 4, from WDW mid-race weekend. I thought it would be fun to connect from a different place. Plus, I’m really nervous about the half marathon and you all can help distract me 😆 I’ll probably just pick the time this go around as opposed to our usual poll, which will likely be somewhere around 4 or 5 pm ET. I’ll keep you posted closer to. Absolutely cannot wait to connect with you live! It’s my favorite 😊

Ok, friends, that’s a lot but I feel like it’s giving me so much to look forward to have these ways to connect with you. Sending you all big love and lots of hugs!

❤️, Jen



Cathy H.

Hi Jen....I really think you will love your new traveling schedule. It will give you time to fully enjoy each place and slow down and just be. Hugs and love to you.

With Wonder

Thanks, Cathy! Gotta keep pivoting to find balance and we all know that doesn’t stay the same 😉


Thank you Jen, you are loved by all of us too! I’m always a little late catching up but I treasure being part of this community.