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Hello, October! 🎃 How are we all doing? What’s been good about the past week in your neck of the woods? Something fun we did this past weekend is our annual family photoshoot with the same photographer we’ve been seeing since the kids were tots. We headed back to one of our favorite local beaches on a balmy evening and frolicked in the sand at golden hour. It was just lovely. I’d love to hear a joy-filled moment from your week if you care to share!

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m wrapping up my Idaho adventure (for now 😉) with camping, hiking, and gorgeous lake time up at Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Wow - what a beautiful place! Early access is available to you 24 hours in advance on Wednesday if you’d like to join me for the adventure ⛰️
  2. The kids and I are gearing up for our first Disneyland trip as a party of three. Excitement levels are high over here! I’m sharing a Pack & Chat for Friday’s community exclusive video. Join me as I pack (duh) and chat with you about what we’re bringing and some of our plans. I’m interested to know if y’all are interested in a trip recap after we return much like the one I did for the Alaska cruise. This is a sit down style video where I talk you through our trip with some b-roll I take while we’re there (like what we’re doing, eating, enjoying…but not filming the kids directly, as you know I try to keep them out of my content these days). Let me know if there’s any interest there! 🏰
  3. It’s possible we’ll have our monthly live this Sunday, October 8. I’ll put up a poll a couple of days before if we’re going that route, otherwise I’ll have a firm date later in the month for you during next week’s update. I love our live chats and can’t wait to connect again! 💕
  4. From what I can tell on my end, I’ve responded to all messages. It’s always possible one or two slip through the cracks, though, so if you’re still waiting on a response from me, please just send me another little message and it will repopulate to the top of my inbox.

I’m wishing you all a beautiful start to the month! Sending big hugs ✨

❤️, Jen
