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Happy Fall, y’all! Sorry not sorry - you know I can’t help myself 😆 How’s everyone doing? As lovely as summer was around here, I’m enjoying transitioning into a new season. The cooler weather with lots of sun still - just glorious! Now if only my hip would comply so I could run! Hopefully soon 🤞 My littles and I have so much fun planned this fall and I am very excited for the return of some of our traditions like family portraits and a trip to the pumpkin place as well as our upcoming Disneyland adventure. I’d love to hear about some of your favorite fall traditions if you care to share! 🍂

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m continuing the Idaho adventure in this week’s YouTube video where I bring you along with me as I visit Sun Valley. I’ve had it in my mind to visit since I was 10 years old and a friend used to share glowingly about her family vacations there. It did not disappoint! I stayed at the beautiful Sun Valley Lodge, took the chair lift all the way up the mountain, and explored the town. I’ll have early access available for you on Wednesday if you’d like to tag along ☀️
  2. Friday’s community exclusive video features my fall favorites this year. I’ll also talk about some recent purchases (and repurchases!) in that video since I don’t really have enough to share for a full fall haul video. But I’ll definitely let you know what advent calendars I ordered this year then, too, because obviously that is critically important information 😉

I want you to know that your messages you send me here are important and special to me. That being said, it can take me awhile to respond when I have a lot of them, which I still do after I posted that video about friends. I take my time to read your messages carefully and respond thoughtfully. If you’re waiting on a response from me, please know that it is coming! I appreciate your patience. And know that you can message me anytime here. It is such a joy for me to hear from you and connect further 💌 Sending lots of love!

❤️, Jen
