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Hello, dear friends! How’s everyone doing? It’s been…a week over here but we’re starting fresh and moving onward. I want to thank everyone who reached out to share either privately or in the comments of my last video. Your sharing means so much to me and I know to others as well. I am catching up on responding in the next few days 💕

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. This week’s YouTube video documents my time at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming where I split my stay between a basic campground and a deluxe lodge. The weather wasn’t great but I still had quite the adventure! 🐻 Early access is available to you on Wednesday.
  2. Let’s head back into my home office to hopefully make some progress there for Friday’s community exclusive video. We’re going to hang some things and do a little furniture moving to finalize layout so I can finally order the big stuff 🗄️
  3. On Wednesday I’m hosting our September live. Check back tomorrow for a poll to decide on a time. I’m pretty flexible so I’ll try to leave a wide range of options. Can’t wait to connect with you! 👋
  4. We drew our monthly charity pick today and sent $537 (and some extra) to the Trevor Project. If you’d like to suggest a charity to add to the jar, please leave a comment or send me a message 💌

I know today can be a tough day for so many. I’m with you in my heart. Sending so, so much love. Remember - we are better together!

❤️, Jen



Leila Dunn

We have been coughing on and off here (South Texas) as well. My Dr. has me on 2 allergy medicines. And previous to this year I've only had to take allergy medicines as needed. I was in my living room with my not quite 1 year old baby when I saw the planes hit. My husband was in the Navy and the ship he was on was immediately locked down. It was such a frightening time personally and nationally. Wow, you have had quite the week. Sending you love and prayers for healing!

With Wonder

Oh my gosh, Leila, I can only imagine how scary that must have been for you and your family. I feel like it was a pivotal moment in American history that anyone alive during that time remembers vividly in their own timeline - just as my folks remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when JFK was assassinated.


If it’s not already in the jar, can we add World Central Kitchen to the list of organizations we pull from? They do such important work.