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Happy September, friends! Can you believe that fall is almost here (or already here, depending on how you see it)? I mean…wow, talk about time flying this summer. But you know what they say - time flies when you’re having fun. And there was a LOT of fun this summer for me and my little family. I feel like we leaned into joy even harder since we’re all still very much processing the passing of our sweet Winnie. Not a day goes by that we don’t reminisce about her together and say how much we miss her. But I think - no, I know - she’s very much still with us and sprinkling her special magic over us still. I know in my heart she always will be close in spirit. And, now I’m crying…woo, what an emotional time! Let’s get down to business for a minute…

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I headed back to Jackson Wyoming in early August to kick off a week-long adventure in the west. After 29029 I knew I wanted to spend some more time in that special place. Check back Wednesday for early access to my YouTube video sharing what I got up to. Spoiler alert - I went to the rodeo! That is quite the experience if you’ve never been 🤠
  2. I’m really in the mood to sit down and chat like in the days of yore when I’d do “tea talks” or whatever I used to call them. These tend to be a vulnerable sharing on a possibly taboo topic that is close to my heart. I’ve got two in mind and I’m hoping you can help me decide which to film first. I can either talk about my ongoing journey with making/keeping friends or where I’m currently at in my body image progress. Whichever one I don’t film for this Friday I’ll likely share soon in the future as both of these topics have been on my mind a lot recently. I’m putting up a poll separate to this post where you can vote for what you’d like to see/listen to for this week’s community exclusive video on Friday.
  3. Just a head’s up that we’ll do our monthly charity draw next week so if you have any charities you’d like me to add to the jar before then, please leave them in the comments.
  4. This month’s live will be next Wednesday, September 13. I’ll put up a poll with time options closer to. I’m excited to connect with you again live!

I’m thinking of you all as we transition into a new season and wishing you a beautiful start to the month. I hope summer brought you moments of joy, peace, and lots of love wherever you could find them. I’m sending you wishes for more of the same as we welcome in fall. Take good care, my friends.

❤️, Jen



Alicia Ortiz-Moore

I’m excited for your chat video! 🫶🏼 My son is 20 and we just enjoyed a day at Disneyland this past weekend together! It was just as fun as when he was little!

Kimberly C

I still go to Disney with MY parents. =)