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Happy Monday, my friends! I’m back home for a hot minute and super excited to be connecting with you. My babies come back to me this week for the remainder of the month and we have some fun things planned. This late summer time is so special to me and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m wondering what you’re looking forward to as we round the bend on the halfway mark of August. I’d love to hear if you care to share! 😊

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. We had our August live hangout last night - so, so fun to get to connect with you! I’m afraid I was more scattered than usual, but it was an emotional day and my brain just went everywhere and nowhere art all at the same time 😆 If you missed it and would like to check it out, the replay is available here.
  2. I’m taking you with me on my 29029 Everlasting Challenge in this week’s YouTube video where we climb the steepest little mountain ever 19 times in Jackson, Wyoming. Fun! 🤪 You get early access here on Wednesday 24 hours in advance of the public drop, as per usual ⛰️
  3. I’m sharing a “home again” vlog I filmed yesterday as I settle back in after 9 days away. We run, do a Whole Foods haul, talk about big emotions…you know the usual 😉 The vlog will be up on Friday for our community exclusive video this week.
  4. Every month I set aside 10% of my previous month’s earnings on Patreon to donate to a charity of community suggestions. We sent $549 (and a little extra) to the International Rett Syndrome Foundation. If you’d like to suggest a charity please leave a comment or send me a message and I’ll add it to the jar 👍
  5. I wanted to give you a head’s up that I decided to schedule in a YouTube break next week while I’m traveling with the kids. Your community content will still go up on schedule - Monday update and Friday community exclusive - but there will be no early access next Wednesday due to no YouTube video.

Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead as we barrel through the last bits of summer. What a whirlwind this summer has been! I hope you all are doing ok and hanging in there despite whatever life is throwing at you these days. There’s always something, right? But you know what else is always there? Us, together. Sending big hugs and lots of love to you all, always 🥰

❤️, Jen



Erin K

I saw that comment on your YouTube video where someone wanted to know where the Winnie video was and that they felt they weren't getting their money's worth over here. 😳🤬. My jaw dropped to the floor. I feel sorry for that person that they feel like they are entitled in any way to your private life and grief. I don't recall that being a promised thing and even if it was, you can change your mind! Block, delete, goodbye is RIGHT!

With Wonder

Pretty sure that person doesn’t really care about the video, just wants to stir the pot. Those who complain usually do 🙄 Unfortunately for them, their stirring does nothing 😉

Heather Bloom

I totally understand not being ready to work on your Winnie’s slideshow. In my experience it takes a long time to be able to approach those memories without feeling overwhelmed by grief ❤️. Enjoy your time with your kiddos!