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Hello friends! I’m checking in with you on the road today and wow it’s been a whirlwind between a 30 hour stay in NYC late last week to turning right around and heading back out west. I know August is a popular time for travel across the globe - does anyone have any trips coming up or that you just got back from? I love hearing about your adventures 😎

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. The Colorado chapter of this summer’s adventure comes to a close in this week’s YouTube video. I spent a night at Grand Lake, just outside the west end of RMNP. I absolutely loved that town! Then, I headed due west to Dinosaur National Monument, which spans part of Colorado and dips into Utah. It ended up being a SUPER long video because I didn’t have the foresight to film it as two, which I should have. So…there’s that coming at you early access on Wednesday 24 hours in advance of the public drop 🦕
  2. I mentioned I spent a day and a half in NYC and if you follow me on Instagram you might have seen that I packed in 4 in-studio classes at Peloton Studios last Friday. Dream come true for this Peloton enthusiast! I vlogged my trip just for the WWC and will share that adventure with you for our community exclusive video on Friday 🏙️
  3. I’m looking at hosting our monthly live next week, possibly Monday or Tuesday (August 14 or 15). I’ll put up a poll when we get closer with times and such. I can’t wait to hang out with you! 😊
  4. We’ll do the monthly charity draw either next week or the week after. If you have suggestions you’d like to add to the jar, let me know! ❤️

If you’re out and about this month, I’m wishing you safe, fun, and memorable travels. And I’m wishing everyone all the same wherever you are, home or not. Be well, my friends!

❤️, Jen



Kimberly C

I myself have been back teaching for a full week. And loving seeing my babies again!!! :)

With Wonder

Oh wow, school starts so early for some! My kids don't start until after Labor Day. I appreciate having August time with them. I'm so happy you're enjoying being back with the littles! 💕

Melissa Tracy

Happy Heavenly birthday Winnie