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Happy (almost) August, my dear friends! Wasn’t I just saying “Happy July!” a few days ago? What is going on with time this summer!? Anyone else feel this way? Just me?? Anyway, time aside, I hope you all had a beautiful July and have some fun planned for August. I’ve got lots going on, including big time travel, and lots of time with my kiddos in the second half of the month which I am so, so, SO looking forward to. I’d love to hear if you have any fun plans coming up, big or small, if you care to share 🏖️

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. We had our July live yesterday evening and it was so fun! I really enjoy connecting with you all in this way. You know how rare it is for me to do lives anywhere else. I think in 13 years I only did a couple on YouTube and a handful on Instagram. They're so nerve wracking! But with the WWC, it just feels like a hangout with my besties. And that is absolutely the best! If you missed it and want to catch the replay, you can do so here 💕
  2. This week’s YouTube video features my time spent in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. The TLDR? It was EPIC! I camped out and did my most technical hike to date. Early access is available to you 24 hours in advance on Wednesday 🏔️
  3. We’re heading back into the kitchen to wrap up this sift and sort series for Friday’s community exclusive video, this time focusing on the main cabinets and drawers. I have a feeling there’s some things I can let go of and possibly rearrange to suit my current needs better, not to mention stuff that gets shoved places where it doesn't belong. We’ll chat our way through it, as you know is my usual way 🧹
  4. Just a head’s up that due to my travel this month, I won’t be able to do the monthly charity draw until later in the month than usual. I don’t want you to think I’ve forgotten! Also, I’m not quite sure when our August live will fall yet, but I’ll keep you posted as soon as I figure it out. I’m already looking forward to it! 😊

Wishing you all a beautiful start to the month. Stay cool out there! 😎

❤️, Jen



Laura K

It has practically rained solidly for all of July here in England - so we are hoping the ☀️ will make an appearance here at some point. But we are v lucky to have a week in Greece coming up soon - so at least we will get some 🏖️ this summer before we head into 🍂 🎃 season! (Although it already feels like autumn!) Happy (nearly) August 😊

Jana B.
