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Good morning, Wonderers! How is it the already the last week of July?! 🤯 Does anyone else feel like this summer is flying by? Also - oof, I hope you’re all staying cool out there. We’ve somehow been spared the heatwaves that much of the rest of the world is experiencing, but it’s seriously scary to watch and I know it’s only a matter of time before it’s truly everywhere. I hope wherever you are, you’re staying safe 💕

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Wednesday’s early access to my public YouTube drop this week features the continuation of my Leadville, CO journey except this time we’re taking it to the mountains - camping, attempting my first 14er, the whole nine yards. Good times! 🏔️
  2. I’m filming a hang-out-with me vlog this week for Friday’s community exclusive video. Nothing super special, just a normal day at home and maybe a little bit out and about on my day off(ish 😉). Let’s hang out! 😎
  3. Our July livestream is coming up at long last this Sunday, July 30 probably sometime between 1-5 pm CT. I’ll put up a poll with time options later this week. I hope to see you there! Can’t wait to chat 💕

Seriously, my friends, I hope you’re taking good care of yourselves. You are worthy of the best kind of care. I ❤️ you!

❤️, Jen



Amy K

Any fans of The Good Place here? Whenever I hear “timey wimey” I think of “Jeremy Bearimy” 🤣


I love this bracelet! Where did you get your necklace?