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Greetings from…not my house! 😉 I’m back home by the time you’re seeing this, but clearly I did not film this week’s update in my house. Stay tuned (in 4-8 weeks) for this particular adventure - it was a good one! ⛰️

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Check back this Wednesday for early access to my YouTube video where we continue our exploration of Colorado with a fun few days spent in Leadville, the highest incorporated city in the US at 10,152 feet. That’s a lot of elevation! I really enjoyed this place and can’t wait to share more about my time there with you!
  2. July 20th (aka Thursday) marks my 13 year anniversary as a YouTuber. I thought it would be fun to film a reaction of me watching my very first video I uploaded all those years ago. This will be up on Friday for your community exclusive video. I’m curious to see what - if anything? - has changed in the past 13 years (aside from the obvious situational things). Hopefully it’s not too cringy! 😜
  3. Once again, I just want to remind you that our monthly live will be next Sunday, July 30. I don’t want you to think I forgot about it! More on timing and such next week.

Thinking of you all and sending you wishes for sunshine, the breeze in the trees, and birds chirping happily - or whatever version of bliss suits you best! Big hugs 🤗

❤️, Jen




Happy Anniversary Jen ❤️❤️!!!! Looking forward to many more years of this wonderful community 🎉🎉🎉


Absolutely love Colorado! We were considering going that way in October, but ultimately decided on Northern New Mexico.