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Good morning, friends! Wow, we really lucked out with the most beautiful weather this long weekend and have been busy soaking it up. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are, as well! ☀️

I want to extend my deepest, most heartfelt gratitude for all of the love, support, and kindness that you’ve shown me since I shared the news of Winnie’s passing. It truly has meant so much to me and made a huge impact on my heart during this difficult time. I can’t thank you enough - the love this community shows me is so beautiful. I only hope you can feel my love returned as well! Thank you, thank you, thank you 💕

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m excited to finally share a tour of how my 4Runner has been set up (on the inside!) since I hit the road with it last summer. I’m hoping to make some small changes this summer, but I wanted to give a look at what I’ve got in there and how I’ve stored it all in this first iteration before I do so. Early access is available to you on Wednesday 24 hours before the public drop on YouTube 🚙
  2. I’m back to our usual programming here with a community exclusive video on Friday. I really feel like organizing something and for whatever reason (I’m not questioning it, haha!) I feel motivated to dive into the extra closet in my bedroom that’s stuffed with….honestly, I have no idea. But we’re going to go in, sort, declutter, and organize the randomness together. Fun! 😜
  3. I really appreciate your patience with me last week as I needed more time to get the Winnie slideshow put together. I’m really hoping to have it up this week. I don’t know yet what day but probably closer to the end of the week. I have many thousands of photos of my sweet girl and while it is a joy to go down memory lane it’s also a bit hard. I am looking forward to sharing and remembering my sweet angel together with you, tho 🐶

Sending love and support to anyone who is connected to someone who lost their life in the line of service this Memorial Day 🇺🇸 And lots of love to everyone, always. Take good care of yourselves, my friends 💕

❤️, Jen



Savannah Olschewske

Jen, I know people on the internet can be cruel. Many people use the excuse that people shouldn't put their lives online if they can't handle it. But honestly? I am consistently shocked at how unkind, unthinking, and malicious people can be with you. It goes beyond just being a bit inconsiderate. It is just plain bullying. Some of the comments about Winnie left my jaw on the floor. Please know those people are idiots. They are the problem. Not you. Keep doing what feels right for YOU and living with integrity, just as you always do. It is why we love you.

Cheryl Sallas Bowman

Yes…onward we must go, Jen! (I know from experience, that is not always easy.) I am playing a little catch-up on Patreon. Winnie was such an important part of your life for many years so, of course, you would be grieving. I am sending you lots of healing light as you continue to process this loss. I know it can be challenging to ignore “the noise”, but you have to give yourself time and the grace to mourn in a way that is perfect for you! My advice…for what it’s worth, is to post online only if that is a space of people you feel comfortable with and that you feel compelled to share this chapter of your story. You'll figure out what makes the most sense for you. In the meantime, take good care!🥰💕

With Wonder

I appreciate your support and kindness, Savannah. I don't want you or anyone else to worry about me though...those people and their casual cruelty doesn't bring me down. They can't touch the love I have inside me and the understanding of who I am ❤️