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Well, hello, friends! How’s everyone doing? Anyone else super tired? Oof, it’s been an emotional whirlwind around here lately! I’m happy to report everyone is doing well at the Ross house, including Miss Winnie. She’s been stable these past few days and I’m continuing to work closely with her vet to keep her comfortable. I share a bit more of an update about her at the end of this video if you’re curious. Many thanks to all the lovely messages and comments of support for my girl over the weekend. You all are the best 💕

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Early access will be available to you here on Wednesday for my public YouTube video this week as we hit the road *for real* and head to my first camping spot of the year. Just a friendly reminder this week’s video and the next several are all from a trip I took back in March. I know the timeline can be confusing. I try to date stamp each video both in screen and in the description, if you’re ever confused and would like clarification, FYI 🚙
  2. Come craft with me during our community exclusive video this Friday as I put together my Week in the Life album - a memory keeping project where I collected photos and stories from the last week of April and am now putting them all together (here's the video I shared from this project last year). I love crafting with you! ✂️

I’d to take a moment to acknowledge that some holidays can be tough for some folks and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re all complicated beings and there’s no one *right* way to feel when it comes to these things. Sending extra love to you all. Take extra good care of yourselves…

❤️, Jen



Holly Silkman

Winnie is your best friend. You deserve that sacred relationship. No one else needs to be let in. We use a communicator with our horses. Really special and helpful. Hugs to you.

With Wonder

Thank you for your kind words and support, Holly. And yes to the communicator! Such a blessing ✨


I'm now catching up saddened to hear about Winnie. Praying your most current updates she is doing better. You deserve this time precious time together. Take as much time you need dear friend. Much love 🥹🙏