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Happy Spring, my friends! Today marks the first *official* day of spring. Woo hoo! Now, if only the weather would catch up. It’s currently a balmy 32° (up from a frosty 12° over the weekend 🥶). But it’s sunny, so I’ll take it! How’s the weather where you are?

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. We’re wrapping up the runDisney Princess content this week with the half marathon recap. Early access is available to you here on Wednesday. And then…there will be more runDisney content when Springtime Surprise rolls around. But, I am hitting the road again this spring and will have other travel content to share later this spring and through summer and fall, too. All good! 😎
  2. We’re heading back into another closet this week with a way overdue hall closet clean-out. This closet is right next to my mudroom and primarily meant to store coats, but of course there’s a bunch of other random stuff in there and I’m finally going to sort through it and tidy up. Check back Friday for the community exclusive video 🧹

I want to thank you for your anniversary wishes last week. I still can’t believe it’s been a year already! I love the WWC so very much and each and every one of you means a great deal to me. Thank you for being here! Sending you sunny vibes for a fresh start and new, hopeful beginnings this spring 🌷

❤️, Jen



Lenna Hernandez

Hi Jen! Will you be posting your solo Magic Kingdom day vlog soon? 😁😁


Hello!!! Life happened and I lost touch with you the past few years. So happy to have discovered your patreon and be able to share in your journey again. Happy Spring!

With Wonder

I'm so happy we can reconnect here, Stephanie! I saw your message and will get back to you soon. Thank you for joining the WWC! ❤️